Chapter 30

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When he heard Su Tang say this, Yang Ford did not deny it at all, "It's all thanks to you, Tang girl!"

Then Yang Fude asked Su Tang to come and sit down in the inner courtyard and had his wife serve tea. When they were both settled in their seats he began to talk to Su Tang. "Tang girl, I already have less than half of the soap you sold to me before. I was even planning to go to Sujia Village tomorrow to find you and place an order for some more if you hadn't come to me today."

"Shopkeeper Yang, I come to town almost every day so if you ever want to talk to me, you don't have to go to so much trouble. I always come to town usually a little before noon so you can send someone to wait around that time and they can find me."

When Su Tang heard that Yang Fude was planning to go to Sujia Village to look for her she decided to tell him clearly that she came to town every day anyway so he didn't need to bother. At present, Jiang He's noodle stall was doing very well which meant that she had to deliver fish balls herself every day. Her daily itinerary was fixed, so Yang Fude could find her whenever he wanted.

When Yang Fude heard her say this, he didn't ask any questions, instead, he just wrote it down directly. After all, the people from the nearby villages would often come to town to make a living, so it was not surprising to hear that she came every day.

Su Tang proceeded with the topic and said, "I wonder how much soap Shopkeeper Yang wants this time?"

Shopkeeper Yang thought for a moment, "Give me thirty pieces."

When Su Tang heard his order she said directly, "OK, the deposit will be 120 copper coins and I'll deliver the soap to you in five days."

This was all according to the terms in their contract so Yang Fude gave Su Tang 120 copper coins without saying a word. After Su Tang put the money away, she said a few more pleasantries and then left Yang Fude's shop. She walked over to the grain and oil store and bought two large cans of vegetable oil.

'You're being followed!' When Su Tang came out of the grain and oil store she saw that a comical dialogue bubble had appeared over the orange cat which was lazily following behind her.

'Yang Fude?' When she saw the orange cat's hint, Su Tang narrowed her eyes and asked.

Orange cat: 'Yes!'

Su Tang smiled thinly. She supposed that any businessman, seeing the big profits from something like soap, would do anything in their power to make it their own. But Su Tang just pretended not to know while thinking maliciously 'follow me if you like'.

It turned out that although at first Yang Fude seemed fine not buying the recipe from Su Tang, after seeing it was worth a fortune he changed his mind. The key point that swayed him was that one of his brothers made his living as a sailor so Yang Fude knew that if he had the recipe for soap, he would be able to sell the soap all along the river, which would make him a very rich man.

But back when he first talked to Su Tang he asked to buy her recipe but she hadn't agreed to sell it. So he had come up with a plan. He would just place an order of soap with Su Tang, then she would have to go buy the materials to make it, and while she did that he could follow her see what she buys. Once he saw everything that she bought, he would probably be able to figure out the recipe, and then he would be rich!

As a result, he followed Su Tang when she left his shop and saw her go to the grain and oil store to buy vegetable oil. After she came out, she quickly walked out of town and seemed like she was really planning to leave. Yang Fude followed her for a while longer before he decided that she was really going home, so he turned back.

As soon as he stopped following, the orange cat immediately told Su Tang about it. When Su Tang heard, she just smiled. The hearts of men were always such uncertain things, weren't they? She really wondered whether their cooperation would even last a year at this rate.

But she just smiled and shook her head before heading back to Sujia Village. However, when she entered the village, Su Tang had the feeling that everyone around seemed to be staring at her. She couldn't help but frown. She hadn't had much contact with the villagers these days. She just walked to town every day and then stayed in her house making clothes when she came back. Why would everyone be looking at her now then?

'Xiao Four!' Su Tang glanced at the orange cat.

The orange cat understood what she wanted instantly. It quickly nodded and then ran away. After that, Su Tang just pretended not to know anything. She planned to just go home and cook dinner for her and her brother like any other day.

Proud Farm Girl With A Spaceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें