Chapter 29

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That day the little guy ran all around the house excitedly while wearing his new clothes. He was so happy that he couldn't sleep until late that night. But when he finally did doze off, Su Tang entered her space.

After five days of hard work, the space's farm had been upgraded to level seven, and she had used her points to unlock the oil press inside the processing plant. With the oil press, she could now produce all the raw materials for soap herself, so the costs could finally be reduced by a lot.

As for the fish balls, Jiang He's family had already been selling fish balls for seven days. Su Tang had made twenty copper coins for thirty fish balls on the first day, forty copper coins on the second day, and then on the third day Jiang He asked her to start bringing eighty fish balls. Because he was buying so many fish balls, Su Tang made them a little cheaper, she only charged fifty-two copper coins for each batch of eighty fish balls.

And just like that, she already had 220 copper coins in her hands. Although in the grand scheme of things it was not that much, she was happy because finally had some money to work with. So again today, she harvested all the things from the space's farm and then left the space.

The next day Su Tang delivered another eighty fish balls to Jiang He. But, after getting the money, she did not go straight back to Sujia Village like on every other day, instead, she went to talk to Yang Fude.

It could be said that Yang Fude had been very happy in recent days. At first, when he started selling soap for two copper coins a piece the people could not believe it. But when they visited his store they found that soap was really being sold at that price. Although the new soap was a little smaller than the soap being sold before, it was also a lot cheaper and, most importantly, it could be reused over and over again.

Yang Fude had cut the soap bars Su Tang sold to him into nine pieces each and the charged two copper coins per piece. He managed to sell twenty copper coins worth of the new soap on the first day, which was not that much, but he was happy if he could sell at least ten copper coins worth every day, so he didn't think he was making a loss. But as soon as people began bringing his new soap back home with them they would find that it was both effective and cheap, so soon news of the new soap spread all over town.

So after only a few days later, he had already sold most of what Su Tang had sold him and Yang Fude was thinking that he would need to find Su Tang to buy some more soap soon. That was why when he saw Su Tang walk into his shop today his face broke into a big smile.

"Miss Tang, there you are. I was just thinking that I would have to go to Sujia Village tomorrow to find you." Then Yang Fude really took a look at Su Tang and what he saw made him feel a little stupefied. The last time he had seen her Su Tang had been dressed in shabby clothes that barely looked better than what a beggar would wear. But now she was wearing a clean white blouse over a gray skirt, which, though made of coarse cloth, were neat and new-looking. The girl herself was also well-proportioned and she had small white flowers in her hair bun, making it clear that she was in a mourning period.

It had only been a few days but she looked much better than she did last time. That was because Su Tang was now eating good food every day. Whether it was the red date milk porridge, or directly drinking milk, or making pastries, eggs, or noodles. She had as much of them as she could eat.

Although she wasn't eating any meat, the nutrition she was getting now was much better when compared with before. Because of the sudden infusion of nutrients, both Su Tang and Su Nuo looked to be in better shape now, their growth was happening so quickly that it seemed almost visible to the naked eye.

Yang Fude hadn't seen her for a only few days but there had been such a big change. But after being stunned for a moment his mind began to turn very quickly. He assumed that Su Tang and her brother were in mourning for their own father, otherwise, they would not have to come out and make a living on their own.

When she heard Yang Fude's words about coming to find her at Sujia Village, Su Tang looked at him with a smile on her face. "It seems that Shopkeeper Yang's business has been doing well recently."

Because of his cheap soap, the reputation of Yang Fude's grocery store had spread, and now everyone in town knew about it. Many people would come every day out of curiosity and often they would buy something, even if they didn't buy soap. With this new influx of a profitable product and also many new customers, Yang Fude was naturally over the moon.

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