Chapter 35

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Many villagers who had come over to watch the hustle and bustle inside the Su family thought that accusation seemed reasonable. When they looked at the clothes Su Tang and her brother were wearing they could see that the material was, indeed, the cheapest coarse cloth that could be bought town, but the stitching was solid and dense. It really didn't look like the work of an eight-year-old child.

But the key point was that everyone had already seen that the clothes Su Tang used to wear in the past. Those clothes were patched messily with ugly stitches that looked like centipedes, so it was hard to believe she had gotten so much better at sewing in just a few days.

So after Madam Zhao said that, everyone seemed to believe it. On the side though, Madam Wu's face didn't look very good. What her mother-in-law said seemed to substantiate the charges against the sister and brother pair but, as the former stepmother of the two children, wasn't that just telling everyone that she did not teach Su Tang any needlework?

The onlookers all thought that there was indeed some truth in that remark, they all thought that it was unreasonable for Su Tang to say that she had made the clothes herself.

As soon as she saw that everyone around was getting suspicious, Madam Sun added, "And even if she could somehow make those clothes herself, the materials to make those two sets of clothes would cost at least twenty copper coins. The two of them live on their own now, so where did they get the money to buy the cloth to make the clothes? They say that they earned it? But since when is it so easy to make money?"

Of course, everyone knew it was not easy to make money. The strong young men from Sujia Village would go out and carry goods on the docks all day for a paltry fifteen copper coins. Plus, those workers had to buy their food whenever they went to work on the docks which meant that, at the end of the day, they wouldn't even bring home the full fifteen copper coins.

Su Tang and her brother had been adopted into Su Laochuan's household only eight days ago, plus they were just two kids, so how could they make any money?

Su Nuan heard Madam Sun's questioning so she opened her mouth to answer her, but she was suddenly stopped by Madam Qin. Her mother nudged her to look over at Su Tang.

When she looked, she saw that even though Su Tang was being surrounded and questioned by so many people, the little girl had no fear on her face at all. Instead, her expression was icy calm.

"So because you haven't seen it happen before, you think it's completely impossible, right?" Su Tang's tone was cutting. "I really want to applaud your narrow view of the world! It's truly something rare to see!"

When Madam Zhao and Madam Sun heard Su Tang's words, how could they not hear the sarcasm in her voice? Madam Zhao directly retorted, "Bullshit, what kind of thing are you? You spent so many years in my family, what do I not know about you?"

"Heh, that's true, but you were very careless, weren't you? Because of you, Xiao Nuo and I went to the Qing River and met the River God!" Originally, after Madam Zhao had finished talking, everyone was more or less convinced that Su Tang and her brother had stolen the money and then carelessly showed it off. But now, when they saw Su Tang's eerie smile and heard her words, they began to reevaluate.

The more timid ones even took a step back. After all, how could anyone forget that these two had been thrown into the Qing River as a sacrifice to the River God but, in the end, they came back alive.

Madam Wu realized that things seemed to be going in the wrong direction, so she said, "We shouldn't fuss so much about this. In the end, they are also Dafu's children so, although thirty copper coins is a lot of money, we can just regard it as a gift to them..."

Even up until this point, she still wanted to pretend to be a good person. Only she herself knew whether or not she had really lost thirty copper coins, but this time she was clearly trying to deliberately ruin Su Tang's reputation. Probably she hoped that if the siblings had a bad reputation in the village, her own reputation would improve, and the villagers wouldn't care anymore about the life or death of the two children.

"Nephew's wife, shut up. Who do you think you're talking to? It's very clear on the genealogy and we don't need our nephew's wife to come and act like a good person here. It doesn't matter whether you lost your money or if it was stolen, what matters is that you can't just come to our place and randomly accuse us just because you lost money." Su Tang said coldly.

Then she said "So, you suspect that my brother and I stole your money because we are wearing new clothes. You think that I can't make these clothes, and you think that we can't make any money. Was there anything else? I don't want to hear you giving me another excuse when I explain everything clearly."

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