Chapter 107

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"And as for these chili peppers, you mentioned it just now but, that 'strange taste', I call it 'spicy'. When it enters your mouth it feels like fire, but the taste is undeniably fascinating. That is the charm of 'spicy'."

"However, the most important thing is that tomatoes can be made into a seasoning called ketchup, and chili peppers can also be made into a seasoning called chili sauce."

"Second Young Master Luo, you should know very well that ordinary people all need food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and food accounts for a large part of their budget. Although this thing seems inconspicuous, right now only I have the seeds, and only I know how to grow them. So, Second Young Master Luo, do you feel that I have the qualification to talk to you about business?"

Su Tang looked down at the pot that was filled with fish, vegetables, and soup that was all still simmering and gurgling. The longer it stewed, the richer the flavor would become and the more delicious the fish inside would be.

As early as when Su Tang had said that both of these things could be used to make seasonings, Luo Xingchen's eyes had brightened considerably. Of course, she was aware that money could be made by opening a restaurant, but with the inconvenience of transportation in this era and the influence of other realistic factors she would need to consider, she knew that the profit wouldn't actually be all that much when compared to inconspicuous daily use things.

For instance, in the past, the Luo family had made an overview of all the soap sold throughout the north and found that, while this thing looked ordinary because it was used by so many people the profits were actually astonishing. That was a large part of the reason why she had been in such a hurry to talk to Su Tang about her soap, it was all because the cost of Su Tang's soap was much lower than the soap that the Luo family was selling.

When a business group grew to the size of the Luo family, it would become very clear that while high-end products would certainly make some money, it was, in fact, these small, ordinary, and cheap things that were the most profitable. It was all because these cheaper products could reach a wider audience, making smaller profits but with much quicker turnover, until they were comparable or even better at making a profit than those so-called high-end products.

So, with the emergence of new types of seasonings, how could Luo Xingchen not know what it would mean for the market in general and her own profits in particular?

"Putting aside the ketchup, chili peppers can be made into many things, such as chili oil, chili sauce, pickled chilies, or diced chilies. It can create many different tastes, which skilled chefs will be able to pick and choose while cooking. What do you think?"

Luo Xingchen looked at Su Tang and then reached down to pinch her face. "Quickly say, just how scheming are you really?"

"Why are you doing that, just speak with your words, will you?" Su Tang quickly pushed her hand away.

"Hah, I'd be a fool if I let go of business like this. Come on, let's talk about it, follow me and tell me, what are your specific thoughts?" Luo Xingchen directly stood up and invited Su Tang to the next room to officially discuss business away from the heat of the stove and the aroma of food.

Naturally, Su Tang didn't refuse, "It's gratifying to find out that Second Young Master Luo isn't a fool despite my first impression."

"Hey..." When she heard Su Tang's remark, Luo Xingchen protested.

However, Su Tang didn't even look back as she disappeared into the next room, so Luo Xingchen could only follow while thinking: 'This Su Tang is really too much, always bullying people, wuwuwu...'

"Let's discuss the soap business first." After the two sat down, Su Tang opened with this remark.

Luo Xingchen nodded, "You can be in charge of the soap production, and we will be in charge of sales, but it is impossible for us to split things 90-10. At best, if we also cooperate regarding the chilis and tomatoes, I can concede a 40-60 split, and my Luo family will be responsible for the purchase cost of the raw materials you use to make the soap."

"Well, I can offer you 20% of the money made from sales, and you won't have to be responsible for the cost of the materials. While it's true that your side will be responsible for making the sales, your Luo family already has many shops open, so it isn't as if you will be opening new sales channels to sell my soap."

"That is to say, there is practically no cost at all for your Luo family, you will just rake in profits by selling my lower-priced soaps. You won't be responsible for the raw materials or anything else, all you need to do is sell the product."

"The only reason I'm even willing to give you 20% is because you currently have the largest sales channel in the north."




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