Chapter 61

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Because of her request, the little guy had recently been going out to collect firewood, which was why their house had more than enough of it at the moment.

When she saw him, Su Tang went over to help Su Nuo take the firewood off his back and, when she heard his question, she said, "Our sister-in-law's parents brought some apples and gave them to Brother Yongshun's family. Nuan Nuan really liked our red dates so she traded some of their apples for our dates."

Hearing this, Su Nuo smiled. "The things from our house are all better than the things outside. Yesterday while I was out collecting firewood I met Fu'an, and he asked me where I picked those dates."

"Well, what did you say?" As she asked the question, Su Tang fetched some water so her brother could wash up.

Su Nuo blinked, "I told him: 'I forgot!'" After saying that, the little guy's expression turned a little solemn as he looked toward the corner and he said, "Thank you, River God!"

"You're a clever little guy!" Su Tang laughed and rubbed her brother's head. Su Nuo reached up to touch the spot where she rubbed and laughed along.

After that, Su Tang began to prepare lunch. There were still some white noodles at home which she planned to turn into dumplings and then eat alongside some eggs.

When Su Nuo went inside the bedroom, he saw the two big pieces of satin on the kang bed. Startled, he asked, "Sister, what's this?"

The fabric was brightly colored and expensive-looking so the little guy didn't dare to touch it. From the kitchen, Su Tang knew what he was talking about without looking and, while still mixing the noodles, she explained, "Today, I went to the fabric store in town and picked up an order to custom-make some clothes. In the next few days, I'll be working on making them. If I make them properly, I'll be able to earn a lot of money."

Su Nuo understood everything after his sister's explanation and he ran excitedly back into the kitchen, his small hands plastered to his chubby cheeks and making an 'O' of surprise as he looked at Su Tang.

Su Tang glanced over and saw the little guy making a funny face, so she asked, "What's the matter?"

"Sister, you're really too good. You can do anything! And you always find a way to make money!" The little guy's eyes were bright and his face was full of naked awe.

Hearing that, Su Tang couldn't help laughing. "It seems that you've really learned to have a sweet mouth*!"

Su Nuo couldn't understand what exactly his sister meant by that, but he was aware that he had exaggerated a bit, so he pouted. "Sister, you're already so excellent, but one day in the future I'll be as good as you."

"That's right!" Su Tang smiled and nodded before asking the little guy to help her by finishing making the dumpling skins while she mixed the stuffing by herself. Shortly after that, the sister and brother pair quickly wrapped the dumplings and put them into the pot.

Since he knew his sister had taken on a job, Su Nuo did not disturb her after dinner. Instead, he ran outside to play with Dongzi and Huzi, leaving Su Tang at home to make the clothes.

Su Tang looked at the two pieces of satin and fell into deep contemplation. Eventually, she took out a piece of coarse cloth and began to draw on it with a piece of charcoal.

Su Tang knew clearly about her own weaknesses. It was true that she had learned a variety of methods of embroidery, and she more or less knew exactly how to embroider. However, if you asked her to directly embroider something, the result would definitely be less-than-ideal. After all, embroidery was a job that required a great deal of technical skill.

To put it simply, she was a giant in thought but a dwarf in action.

She had a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but unfortunately, her practical experience was almost non-existent.

This couldn't really be blamed on her though, after all, what she learned in college wasn't to embroider things herself but rather to understand and distinguish the underlying techniques of embroidery. If she had known that she would transmigrate beforehand, she definitely wouldn't have skipped the classes that focused more on practical application that her college offered but, unfortunately, it wasn't like she could go back and do things over.

Su Tang thought for a moment before finally determining how she would embroider the two sets of clothes. She decided to embroider a pattern inspired by flowering dogwood on the white set of clothing. The pattern she was envisioning put emphasis on its simple and smooth lines, so it did not have high requirements for the embroiderer's technical skill, but it had a 'simple and elegant' sort of feeling which meant that it would still look good.

As for the blue set of clothing, she planned to embroider a Baoxiang* pattern, which was another a very simple pattern.

The orange cat saw her drawing and couldn't help but blink and let out a: 'Not bad!'

Tch, the cat seemed at least able to appreciate and evaluate her skills, even if it couldn't contribute at all.

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