Chapter 80

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Pengmo saluted Su Tang respectfully. Before he had just looked at Su Tang as an ordinary peasant girl so, although Pengmo would show some respect, he didn't treat her so solemnly. However, Su Tang was now Song Yi's disciple.

There weren't that many disciples under Song Yi, but even the one that was from the worst background was at least from a wealthy family, someone high above a peasant girl from an ordinary family. But now, even if she was only a peasant girl, because Su Tang had become one of Song Yi's disciples, her status wasn't ordinary anymore.

After all, her senior brother was a prince. That's why Pengmo had already changed the way he addressed her since yesterday. He didn't call her Miss Tang anymore, instead, he called her Young Miss Su*. And when she arrived today, he even saluted her and gave her a proper greeting.

Su Tang didn't notice the change in his attitude and returned his salute while saying, "Brother Pengmo!"

Pengmo was startled to see that and quickly dodged her bow. "Young Miss Su, don't startle of this small one. You are master's disciple while I'm just a servant, you should just call me Pengmo."

He was only a servant, so he couldn't bear a bow from one of his master's disciples? Su Tang was a little embarrassed when she thought of that, but she still muttered, "How could I be so impolite?"

When he heard that, Pengmo just laughed and said, "Young Miss Su, you'll get used to it in the future. And this must be Young Master Su." After saying that, he looked down curiously at Su Nuo, who was standing next to Su Tang.

The little guy had been shocked when they had arrived at such a large house just now, and he was even more surprised to see Pengmo come out from inside and then act so polite to his sister.

When he heard what Pengmo said, Su Nuo pointed to himself confusedly and repeated, "Young Master Su?"

Unexpectedly, he had become a young master. Su Nuo had a very inexplicable feeling.

"Yes, this is my brother, sir." As Su Tang spoke those words, Pengmo could clearly hear the sound of gnashing teeth. "Master told me to come here and study today, but my brother is still young so I can't rest assured leaving him alone at home, which is why I brought him with me."

Pengmo understood what Su Tang was aiming for, so he gave her a gentle reminder, "Young Miss Su, it's rare for master to accept disciples."

Did she really think it was so easy to become Song Yi's disciple? Pengmo was afraid that was just wishful thinking. Also, he didn't really want to see Su Tang annoying her master on their first day together. After all, his master had been a highly sought-after teacher for many years and even when the princess had wanted to become his disciple, he had directly refused her. For some reason, he had taken the initiative to take Su Tang as his disciple, but that didn't mean he would be willing to take in anyone else.

Su Tang understood what Pengmo was trying to tell her, but she had her own ideas. After all, she had already graduated from a modern university with a bachelor's degree, so she wasn't too interested in studying in the first place.

Plus, in these damned ancient times, it really didn't make much sense for her to waste too much of her time studying. She more or less already knew what she needed to know. And while learning more might help her to some extent, at the end of the day, it wasn't like she could take the imperial examination and become an official.

That was just the status of women in this era, and there wasn't anything that she could do about it. She didn't have the ability to change the whole world. So in terms of effectiveness and in terms of having an influence on the future development of both herself and her brother, if Su Nuo could be the one studying it would definitely be of much more practical significance than if it was her.

Pengmo said that Song Yi would not easily accept any more disciples, but if she was studying under her master and her younger brother happened to be playing outside, that wouldn't be against the rules, right? So she could just shamelessly bring him in with her. From what she saw of her master, he wasn't the type who would really banish a child as small as Su Nuo to be outside alone.

"All I know is that my brother is still too young to be alone. In the past, it was okay for me to just deliver some things to town and then go straight back, but if I'm going to study with master, I can't just let him stay home alone. I'm not trying to make things difficult for anyone. You don't have to watch over him or anything, Brother Pengmo, it's fine to just let Xiao Nuo play in an empty courtyard."

When Pengmo heard Su Tang say that he could only nod along. After all, this was a matter between a master and his disciple, so it wasn't good for him, as a servant, to say anything. Thus, with no other choice, he led both siblings inside.

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