Chapter 92

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Earlier this year, Luo Xingchen had suddenly heard that a general store in Qinghe Town had started selling a kind of soap that only cost two copper coins for each bar, though the bars were a bit small. In fact, soap was one of the businesses that his Luo family-controlled throughout the whole north so when he heard the news, he had asked his subordinates to go out and buy a piece of this new soap, and eventually, he had found that it was indeed a kind of soap, and it was very similar to what his own family sold.

He couldn't tell what it had been made from, but its ability as a cleaner was absolutely no worse than the soap sold by his family and, actually, it could even clean things like grease stains even better than his family's soap.

Of course, Luo Xingchen had immediately realized the value of this thing, so he had traveled day and night to reach Qinghe Town, being careful the whole way not to let any of his brothers catch on. When he finally arrived, he immediately went to meet Yang Fude.

At first, Yang Fude had refused to say where the soap came from, but once he found out that he was dealing with the second young master of the Luo family from Beikou, some benefits were enough to make Yang Fude open his mouth.

Luo Xingchen had been very surprised to learn that the soap had been made by an eight-year-old peasant girl.

At first, he had assumed that she would be just an ignorant peasant girl but, after seeing Su Tang today, he had revised his opinion. He could tell that this girl called Su Tang was not simple at all. She carried herself in a way that spoke of her education, neither humble nor arrogant, and she had two brightly shining eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything.

Because of this impression, Luo Xingchen thought very highly of Su Tang, so he personally asked her with them. "Young Miss Su, please sit down."

Su Tang nodded and agreed, "Thank you!"

But after she sat down, she immediately turned to face Yang Fude.

"Just now I heard Young Master Luo mention my contract with Shopkeeper Yang. Shopkeeper Yang, I wonder what exactly you told him?" To start Su Tang did not talk to Luo Xingchen directly, instead, she began to question Yang Fude.

When he saw Su Tang brazenly ignore him like this, an interested smile played about Luo Xingchen's face and he just continued to drink his tea without saying a word.

Yang Ford actually felt very uncomfortable to be sitting in this elegant teahouse, so he was surprised by how calm Su Tang seemed by comparison.

This Luo Xingchen that they were in the presence of was actually the second young master of the Luo family from Beikou. He had started to take over the Luo family business at the age of 12 and it was said that he was more skilled in business than the current head of the Luo family. There were even rumors that the Luo family elders all intended to hand the whole Luo family business over to this young master in front of him.

This 15-year-old Luo Xingchen had both means and ability when it came business, and his name was famous all throughout the north, so there were very few businessmen who wouldn't tremble when facing this man but, for some reason, Su Tang, a little girl, was able to keep so calm.

Yang Fude had begun to feel that he couldn't see through either Luo Xingchen or Su Tang at all, so when he heard Su Tang begin to question him, he didn't dare to hide anything. He told her, "Miss Tang, you and I signed a contract for you to provide me with soap for a year. But yesterday Young Master Luo came and I transferred this contract to him, so..."

"So you are in breach of contract!" Without waiting for Yang Fude to finish speaking, Su Tang cut him off directly. She sent Luo Xingchen a cold smile, and then returned to questioning Yang Fude.

Yang Fude seemed stupefied, and he retorted, "No, Miss Tang, what I mean is..."

"Shopkeeper Yang are you thinking that you can bully me because I can't read much, is that why you're trying to fool me like this? Contracts can only be adhered to or broken, when was there ever such a thing as a transfer? And even if there was such a thing, wouldn't it be necessary for both parties to be present for it to happen?"

Su Tang snorted. Compared to this place, the contracts she had seen in her previous life were much more complex but it was common sense that if you wanted to transfer a contract to a new party it was necessary to first terminate the contract with the old party and then re-sign it with the new. But now these two people wanted to come and tell her that the contract had already been transferred behind her back, that it was already a done deal. Did they think she was stupid?

Yang Fude hadn't expected that Su Tang would suddenly pick at this point, he felt embarrassed and his expression turned bad as he said, "Miss Tang, although there is no express provision as such, this kind of ability to transfer after signing a contract is how things are usually done, so..."

"So you're saying that because that's how it's usually done, you are in the right?" Su Tang didn't bother to listen to his nonsense and directly cut him off with a question of her own.

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