Chapter 45

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Actually, even the fact that Su Yonggui came over today was something very inexplicable. After all, two children that were originally his had been adopted into someone else's family and been sent to live their own while at the same time leaping up and joining his same generation. In that kind of circumstance, obviously, it was better for him to meet them less if he didn't want to feel ashamed or awkward.

By common sense, he and his family shouldn't want to interact with these two at all. But today his wife suddenly said that Su Tang and her brother stole their family's money, and he just quietly followed along behind her. And now things were like this.

"Then, hit them!" When Su Yongqiang heard Su Yonggui finally agree, he nodded and gave the order.

The young members of the Su family all heard Su Yongqiang order so a few of the women picked up their boards and got into position.

After the punishment began, there was a loud burst of screams from Madam Zhang and Madam Zhao. Actually, the people wielding the boards all thought at first that, since they were all from the same family, they didn't need to make any effort or hit very hard. But despite that, the people being beaten immediately began wailing and screeching as if they were being cruelly tortured.

Hearing that, the people wielding the boards changed their mindset. They thought: Well, anyway, they're already screeching like this so we might as well hit them a little harder.

There were also some people who had received favors from Su Laochuan when he was still alive and felt that maybe by helping take care of Su Tang and her brother now they would be returning Su Laochuan's kindness.

Madam Zhao began screeching even louder as the people with the boards got more serious. On the side, Su Tang pulled Su Nuo over to salute Su Yongqiang. She said, "The patriarch is just!"

Su Yongqiang nodded, "The Su family is not a family without rules. Since you hadn't done anything wrong, of course, I can't allow you to be slandered. In the future, you have to live a good life and properly carry on Su Laochuan's legacy."

"Yonggui, make sure your family remembers this lesson. No one is allowed to casually slander people, and if the words your family says really push someone to death, people will wonder if it was done intentionally. And if those kinds of suspicions tarnish the reputation of the whole Su family, although we typically do not remove the innocent from the family genealogy, it's not something completely without precedent, right?" As he said those last work Su Yongqiang's tone was icy.

After all, he was the patriarch, so Su Yongqiang could directly warn Su Yonggui like this and remind the other man to control the members of his family. The situation had already come to this point, the children had already been adopted into another household. Plus, the two children had been offered as sacrifices to the River God in the name of curing Su Sanshou, who was still lying in bed, and letting him walk once again.

Although it was circulating that the River God had sent the two children back due to their adverse fate, whether that was the case or not, it could be said that the two siblings had already done more than enough to repay the kindness of being raised. There was really no reason for their paths to cross with anyone from Su Yonggui's family again because whatever they might have owed had already been returned several times over.

Su Tang and her brother were already members of Su Laocuan's family now, and their relationship with Su Yonggui and his family was clearly not close at all, so they were no longer people that Su Yonggui's family could interfere with.

As the patriarch, Su Yongqiang knew at a glance what was really going on today. Sujia Village wasn't a place without discerning people. However, because everyone lived in the same village, it wasn't worth it to say some things out too explicitly.

Su Yongqiang had to handle matters regarding the fate of the whole clan on a daily basis so he was aware of more things than most people. While it might seem like he was standing up and protecting Su Tang and her brother, more importantly, he was warning Su Yonggui and his family that if they kept doing this kind of thing it would tarnish the reputation of the whole Su family, and that was something he wouldn't stand for.

Madam Wen and Madam Tong moved to Madam Qin's side and coldly watched Madam Zhao and Madam Wu being beaten with the board. Heh, could it be true that everyone was actually deceived by Madam Wu's rhetoric? Did she think that no one wondered why she had sent those two children in particular to be sacrificed? After all, not even mentioning Sujia Village, even if you checked in any of the other villages nearby you would be hard-pressed to find any living people being sacrificed to the River God in the recent years.

Su Yonggui's family said that they had no intention to murder the two children, but who would believe it?

Could Madam Wu really be innocent? If had been necessary to sacrifice someone to the River God, well, it was Su Sanshou's life that needed to be saved, so why hadn't it been Su Sanshou and Madam Zhang's sons who were sent? Why weren't they able to show filial piety to their own father? Why, instead, was it their uncle's two children who were sacrificed?

People wanted to say that had nothing to do with the step-mother Madam Wu? People wanted to say that she was actually kind to her children left behind by the first wife? Anyone with a discerning eye would know that was nonsense.

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