"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Jungkook, it's okay." Jaehyun assured the boy.

"No, no. It's okay." He paused a little before continuing, "Namjoon hyung broke the news of Hana's time left and I just.. lost it." He cleared just throat and looked elsewhere, unable to look up.

Jaehyun looked at the boy sadly before he sighed and placed his hands on Jungkook's shoulders, the boy finally looked up at him.

"Jungkook, it's okay to feel that way. I've felt that way all this time since even before I became a doctor." He smiled sadly, the maknae couldn't stop his tears from falling now, looking back down and slowly nodding.

"But Hana wouldn't like to see you like this, she'll be even more upset. As you probably know she radiates positive energy and is the strongest girl in the world only because she doesn't want people to pity her and treat her differently."

"You need to be strong for her Jungkook."

Jungkook continued to nod in understanding, tears still streaming, head hung low.

"But I haven't given up." Jaehyun announced, squeezing his shoulder tightly. "I believe Hana can still overcome this." Jungkook looked up surprised as he met Jaehyun's eyes, a look of pure determination in them.

Pulling away, Jaehyun ruffled Jungkook's hair. "You're a good kid Jungkook, I'm really glad Hana met you." He concluded smiling.

"Thank you Dr. Jaehyun." Jungkook sniffed and wiped his nose.

"Please, just call me a Jaehyun." Jaehyun chuckled, "have a good night Jungkook, the nurses will be coming in soon to change your bandages for the night."

Jungkook nodded, leaning back in his own hospital bed. The room was quiet now, a little too quiet. He felt lonely and he suddenly realized how Hana would have felt living all those years stuck on her own in the hospital. He sighed heavily, covering his eyes with his good arm to block out the light above him. A soft knock sounded on the door and in came a familiar nurse.

"Noona?" Jungkook was shocked to see Sena walk in. He was happy to see her until she came by and flicked his forehead.


"Jungkook, I thought you were smarter than this." He clicked her tongue at him.

"Sorry noona.." he apologized softly. She shook her head in disappointment as she started changing his bandages.

"I brought you a change of clothes, Sejin delivered them for you." She was delicate in dressing his wounds, careful of his wrist. "Please try to refrain from moving your wrist tonight, we can't put a cast yet because of your wounds but we can do it tomorrow." She let him know as he nodded in understanding.

He silently observed Sena, he felt relieved to see a familiar face and he knew why Hana loved her. She was like a mother, and it was comforting.

"Hana misses you all very dearly." She broke the silence. "She doesn't stay awake for long but when she does she constantly asks for you and the others, wondering if you're eating well and doing fine."

A wave of guilt washed over him, he swallowed a lump in his throat, even if she was going through something terrible, she still thought about their well-being. He looked down collecting his thoughts before speaking. She was too kind, too thoughtful for them, more than they deserved.

"I promise this will never happen again."

"I never want to worry Hana and I still want to be here for her." A newfound voice within Jungkook spoke, he spoke with promise and determination. Sena couldn't help but smile.

"I know dear, I'll let you visit her tomorrow morning if you'd like." She finally pulled the bandage securely and pat it gently.

"Thank you Noona." Jungkook softly spoke, but was now beaming at her, his usual grin that everyone loved.

"Get some rest okay? I'll come by and check on you through the night." She smiled sweetly at the boy before shutting the door softly.

He didn't feel so alone anymore as he turned off the lights, surprisingly sleep overcame him soon after realizing how exhausted he really was after tonight.

He dreamt of her, in a field of flowers as the wind ruffled her hair, she giggled and smiled, shining brightly like the star she was. She pulled him by the hand to a clearing where he saw his hyung's waiting for him under a tree, all of them smiling brightly and calling them over for a picnic in the sun. It was one of the best dreams he's ever had and he was determined to make it come true.

A/N: ugly sobbing, I love Jungkook's soft and endearing character.
I too love how caring Namjoon is like as an older brother to him and the boys, also how Jimin is such a sweety.

I'm ded, I love my characters Hahahaha

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