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She began feeling extremely positive after lunch, having drawn with Lily all morning, her childish side exiting out of her body to enjoy the experience more; the happiness oozing itself out of each edge of her body, filling the room enhancing it with magic. Singing a basic song, Rose made up random lyrics as she filled the last small spaces left in the room full of hope and a can-do attitude.

These plants would make it. She would make sure of it. Rose was putting all her strength into willing these things onto the plants in order to hide from the reality that it was what she was doing altogether.

Avoiding reality.

All the while putting out into the universe that she would say no to death. They would end up somewhere and off this rock. They would have a bigger place to call home instead of a stuffy bunker that was so boring that even the food was starting to taste bland instead of having a blend of spices.

The boredom eating her up inside more and more each time. Rose had even gone as far as getting all of them to make up their own games to which they could all play. But even this trick had started to become a routine that was too repetitive. They needed something more. Something to give them a purpose. At this point they were all running off the familiarity of life; an autopilot that never seemed as if it would end.

Hours later, Rose sat in the front room, the opposite way round; her head was dangling off the sofa with her hair touching the start of the floor. Her legs were dangling far above her, wiggling around in the air.

Rose was struggling to find an idea to amuse herself. All pranks had been dealt, becoming no longer funny; more taxing than interesting or even time consuming any longer. Any action she did seemed to be boring.

Rose didn't think that there would be anything at this point to rid her of her boredom. If this was to go on for much longer, she was sure she would be murdered by it.

"AAHRAHH" The angry, but frustrated sound escaped her lips.

It felt as if she was going insane from being trapped. Just as the women had described had happened to others in the last generation that was down here. She was careful at the warning she had written; Don't take the small things for granted, and always make sure you can find anything to do to stop your mind slipping into a dark place.

"Seriously, there has to be something, anything that we haven't done in here yet!" Rose felt as if she was being eaten up inside from the insanity bubbling in her.

Giving out another relentless huff, Rose jumped up off the sofa determined to round up the others and search the bunker high and low to find hopefully the last thing in this place that hadn't been identified yet.

She walked with no purpose towards John's room. As she reached it, at first, she heard silence, making her believe that no one was inside; while Rose started turning around to look into a different room, she started to hear a horrible weeping sound with low mumblings. Slowly opening the door as to not make a sound, Rose popped half her head through so she would be able to see what was happening.

There on the bed, John seemed to be lying. He was curled up with only his face showing, the tears of destruction falling freely down his face. Rose had never seen him look like this before. He had seemed like the toughest one out of them. She had no idea how long he had been this way; she and Lily hadn't seen him since just after breakfast. Rose at that moment felt a pang in her heart.

Just as she was prepared to make her presence known, she heard John start muttering again. Pressing her ears closer inside the door she strained her hearing to understand what it was he was saying.

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