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Hi all!! 

It's that time again for a new update! :) 

How are you all liking the book so far?

Which chapter has been your favourite that I have updated including this one, comment down bellow which one!

Mine is the 6th chapter on here with how the letters came in to force, added a twist for me. 

Anyway, lets get on with this chapter. 

Chapter 8.

"Common, come get some food, you must be starving by now. You haven't eaten anything all day, made some pasta bake for us all." Rose sleepily opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times; looking around her, she forgot for a second where she was, she was thinking that she was back at home with her brother waking her for tea. Hearing his obnoxious voice calling to her. Making a game of see how many new ways he could find to irritate her awake.

The memory reminding her of better, easier times.

Finally remembering where it was, she was, Rose stared up at John's face as it was right above her own. It had been John shaking her awake instead.

"Okay, let's go get the food." When Rose had heard the word food, her mouth started to salivate involuntarily.

All that was said was: "Mmmm, Fooood."

Jumping up Rose forgot that John was above where she was, bumping heads with his hard skull, they ricocheted off each other.

"Ouch!" They both yelled from the pain at the same time. Both John and Rose started rubbing their heads wishing the slight pain away. With a glance at each other they both burst out laughing from the hilarity of the situation.

The notion of the pasta bake entering into her head again. With nothing being able to stop her Rose walked with a purpose into the kitchen.

"Mmmmm." Came the sound from Roses mouth as she smelt the food, the tomatoey smell filling her essence. Gabbing a plate, she walked lightly on her feet into the siting area giving Lily a one-handed hug as she danced past to the seat next to her.

"This food is incredible!" Rose stated fawning over every mouthful.

John sat with an embarrassed smile adorning his features from all the praise he had been receiving about his cooking.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Like it? Oh no I don't like it." Johns face fell slightly believing that Rose was leaving it there.

When she felt she had teased him enough she continued.

"I love it, if I could, I would marry it!" Each word being said after another bite of the pasta bake.

John was stuck for words at this sentiment; while Lily was laughing so hard, she nearly fell off her chair, only resulting in her laughing harder. Rose giggled herself from watching this happening to Lily with how much she was enjoying herself now; especially with how closed off she had been a couple of days ago. Suddenly Lily stopped laughing becoming more serious.


"Yeah?" She replied off handily as she worried about what was now going through Lily's mind, she was hoping it was not anything bad.

"Why haven't we gotten into trouble yet for being down here? I know we aren't allowed to be down here so why hasn't anyone come down to tell us off? How much longer do you think that we would be able to stay down here for?" Lily had thought of this time as an escape, she wandered how much longer it could last.

The happiness of being with people that cared about her, dread built up inside of her, with imagining having to go back to the life she had; the loneliness, the terrifying dark nights with no one there to protect her from the cold. No one to hold her while she cried.

John gave Rose a look, Rose didn't know how to respond to the look, she was making every effort with finding the words to dance around the subject, to tell her half-truths, without releasing that they were trapped. Finally, being able to think quickly on her feet Rose gave Lilly an encouraging look gently speaking.

"Well, we aren't going to get into any trouble for being down here." There was definitely no reason for Lily or any of them to worry about this, no one could get to them; as far as everyone on earth knew, they were dead already.

"Plus, John and I thought it would be nice to stay down here for a little while longer." Rose and John had discussed this earlier, knowing that this exact subject would be brought up.

They agreed, it wasn't right to inform Lily of what was actually happening yet. They wanted to try and keep her protected from the anxiety for as long as they could.

Remembering that they needed to keep her away from trying to get out Rose added: "But just keep in mind, we are only safe here as long as you don't go near the door. Then no one will know that we are down here."

Rose pointed at the door that led towards the tunnel to what was now space. She was hoping that this would be enough to scare her into thoughts about seeking the need to enter back into the world when she finally started feeling just as claustrophobic down here as Rose did.

Lily nodded all through Rose informing her of this. The relief entering into her bones, the safest place she had ever found would not be disappearing soon, Lily just didn't know how true that was.

This was where they would be living for years to come. Lily would make sure of it as best as she could; her worst nightmare would be being thrown back out into the real world and chewed up more, she knew that this time if it happened she wouldn't survive it, not alone anyway.

Lily felt terrified that Rose and John could be lying to her, she could feel that they were hiding something from her. She just wished to the universe that it wasn't to do with them being able to stay down in the bunker.

Lily knew that she needed to try and trust them as much as she could. Give them the benefit of the doubt until they eventually, most likely use her and throw her away like a doll. Just like the people before.

But she doubted that they were that way inclined; She could tell that they didn't seem like the type of people who would abandon their own. She assumed that what they were hiding might be about their past, just like she was trying to do. It started to make her feel slightly better thinking this way. She just had to keep reminding herself of it until she finally believed it to be true.

Time had passed as Lily was set into her own world, debating, and fighting with herself over what Rose had said to her. Over if she would be able to trust them. She just knew, if she was willing to trust anyone, it would be them. 

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