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Getting the hilt of the hill, Lily could see what was just beyond it. There was broken ground, as if a mini desert. No sign of the ground having had any water in it. Cracking in all places, some having bigger cracks, showing slightly what is underneath. Other cracks being skin deep, lines, going in all directions as if the veins on a leaf would. The pattern looking very similar. After the pause in walking, Rose continued forward. Taking the trowel out of the bag she had packed ready to dick up some of the earth.

"What is that for?" Lily was intrigued.

"I need to take a sample of the ground, to see if it's possible to hydrate some of it, using our soil, and eventually, the mulch, to turn it into some sort of soil, to keep the crops alive." Rose didn't hesitate in informing her, keeping her involved of all steps. Lilly wanted to know what John and Rose's days entailed, and this was it.

Bending down, Lily put the tip of the trowel just under one of the middle large pile of ground that was less attached. Pulling upwards slowly she waited to start feeling the ground coming slightly looser; with a flick of her wrist, the block finally came free, spurting some planet dust up in Lily's face. Lily coughed as it entered into her mouth, being swallowed. Mashing her mouth together. Rose handed Lily the bottle of water to get the dry, dirt taste out.

"Thank you." Lily breathed heavily once she had come up for air from the water.

Rose just nodded her head, getting out a container to put the ground into. The mass of the ground stayed together, with some bits falling off as it fell into the box. Putting the heavy container back into the bag, Rose studied the ground underneath where it had come from. There seemed to be some heat emitting from it, Rose could feel it on her face. Placing her hand into the hole, she pulled it back just as quick. It was burning hot.

"What's wrong?" Lily enquired seeing Rose's face look up in confusion.

"Just how hot the ground is. It shouldn't be burning like that."

Lily looked shocked herself at hearing it. Rose got a different note pad out documenting it down how it felt, not having time today to find out what was going on. They had other responsibilities that needed to be tended to. Lily leant down to the same hight as Rose, wanting to be as involved as possible. She went to touch the hole, before Rose slapped it away.

"Don't. I don't know how safe it is." Rose scolded.

"Why don't we go. I thought next, I we could have some food and play a couple of games out here. Like hide and seek. We haven't played that one in months." Rose got onto lighter, more enjoyable conversation.

"Sounds good to me!" She jumped.

Chasing Lily back closer towards the hut, the screams of delight could be heard exhuming out of Lily. Giggling following not long behind. Catching up, Rose tackled her into a hug stopping her from being able to advance any further.

"I'll Count. You hide." Rose directed Lily letting her go. Covering her eyes with her sweaty palms. Rose began counting out loud.

"ONE!.. TWO!.. THREE!.. FOUR!..-" She shouted out, counting to 30.

"READY OR NOT! HERE I COME!" Rose finished the tradition, spinning around looking to where Lily could hide. There weren't many places without being caught out straight away.

Hours went by, playing hide and seek, catch and it. At some point, John came out to play with them. Turning the limited number of games into unlimited. They all sat down on the ground, giving Lily time to recover. She had begun getting out of breath fast through-out the last couple of games. Rose assumed that she was just getting tired. Deciding to call It a day with being outside. They all headed back into the bunker.

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