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Rose stood up not paying much attention to anyone or her surroundings, only to the thoughts entering into her head was that it all was good news, that she could show both of them without anyone getting hurt.

Rose held one hand out to each Lily and John. Waiting with patience for them take hold.

John didn't quite understand what was going on but was willing to trust Rose. He just wanted to know what happened on the surface, why was she being so secretive?

His mind was reeling. Rose led them both towards the entrance, puzzling them even more. John looked at Lily to find her already staring at him. Both giving each other a look and a shrug in response.

All was silent as the three of them stood in awe of the now outside world. Not a peep could be heard from any of them, they didn't know what to say. John just wanted to go and explore, finally to be at peace. This was the best present the universe could have given him.

Rose turned to face John and Lily.

"Want to go explore?" She asked as she started to turn to walk back towards the hut door.

"We don't know if it's safe to walk out there, if there is even a proper atmosphere, we should head back inside." John was saying as his feet crept forward; with no warning, he had gone past Rose into the new world.

He lifted his head up forgetting his train of thought as he felt the warmth on his face.

Lily was the only one left inside.

"It's safe, you can come out." Rose calmly stated to her.

Rose took a step in her direction to show her that she would be there with every step she took. Lily took small steps forwards, still unsure about whether they should be out here. They didn't know what the climate would be like. Let alone if the air was completely safe and didn't have any more carbon dioxide in it that would slowly kill them.

Rose refused to tarnish the joy that came out of this miracle that had happened. All she could focus on was being outside, no longer being stuck in the over spacious hole they had to call home for nearly the past year.

She spun around not being able to contain the huge smile that had been gracing her lips since she came back outside. Taking in deep breaths Rose glanced at John. He was stood there, still with his face bare against the sky. Rose looked up to see why he couldn't look away.

There it stood.

Millions of stars were lighting up the sky; flashing, blinking, moving, and living in their own universes. It was such a sight to behold. Hundreds of colours flew around the stars, filling the empty spaces between each rock. Blues, red purples violets. It was the most magical thing that Rose had seen in her life.

She felt her breath catch in her throat, the gasp attracting the attention from John, he turned his head facing towards her. John's eyes flittered across the wonder-filled features that Rose was holding, her eyes shining with life and content as she was gazing upwards at the view John was originally googling at.

He let his mouth form into a smile. He loved seeing her like this, she seemed peaceful and happy. John noticed how Rose's slim curvy body seemed to look weightless, she stood on her tiptoes almost as if trying to touch the colours.

She looked as if she was a sight to behold herself.

"We should have a picnic. Out here. In the open." Rose stated before turning to see what the other two thought of the idea She remembered what she had read in the journals, entry 30, that was talking about how much stress it had lifted off of them being outside. The wave of freedom they had received in return.

Rose just knew that this is what they needed; it would help rid the pent-up emotions that had been working their way to the service for months. To give them all the break they wanted. No. Needed.

John seemed very agreeable while nodding his head. Rose would have no issues with getting him to have their food out here; next was Lily's expression.

Lily seemed deep in thought about the idea of eating outside. She really didn't like being out here without knowing how safe it was to be breathing the air. Lily could see how hopeful Rose was for her to answer yes, she didn't want to disappoint her, they all did deserve the time to act their ages, and not like fully grown adults. She knew how much it had aged John and Rose to be the ones that have had to take care of her.

She gave Rose a small off handily smile before nodding her head in a slight motion. Lily began walking back towards the entrance ready to be back in the place they all knew was definitely safe.

Rose let out a squeal at the same time of jumping up and down, clapping her hands as fast as she could. The bubble of excitement bubbling up in her once again. Rose decided she would make the best picnic that any one of them ever had. They all deserved it after the rough couple of months, and this event had ruined John's birthday.

She nearly forgot all about it with the events on it. Rose ratcheted around all the rooms in the bunker looking for blankets to lay on the ground; she had already taken a large number of pillows to go on top.

After twenty minutes of searching, Rose came across two single beige blankets and one king-sized dark brown one. Taking them into the kitchen, she packed a bag with plates, cutlery, the food she cooked earlier including the birthday cake, the blankets, and just in case it was too dark, various sized candles.

"You guys ready?" Rose shouted through-out the bunker waiting for the running of feet to join her in walking to the hut.

John waltzed in behind Lily, almost as if he was heading up the group. The smile had not left his lips since Rose had offered to make the picnic, even with the scare of believing she might be dead for a couple of hours, this was still turning out to be a good day.

John noticed Lily seemed to be in a better mood about adventuring out into the new world than she had been previously; a slight bounce to the steps she took. He admired how Lily managed to always turn her moods around, almost in a click of the hand.  

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