Cooked! - Quincy McKnight

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Title: Cooked!

Genre: Romance-Thriller


Character Name: Quincy McKnight

Nominated by: GalaRu57

About the story:

DEA Special Agent Brittany Townsend goes undercover on a risky mission to uncover a drug smuggling ring at a famous restaurant in San Francisco owned by Quincy McKnight, a devilish good-looking man who's looks bring tingles to Brittany's body. The DEA suspect that McKnight smuggles drugs worth millions of dollars that end up in San Francisco streets

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Hello there. Can I call you Quincy?

My friends and family call me Quinn. So Quinn is fine.

Great. Welcome Quinn and thanks for agreeing to talk to us today. 

Anytime :) Thanks for the chance to talk to you.

Can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda? Coffee? Wine? Whiskey? 

Whiskey would be great thanks.

Coming up. While we wait, tell me a little about yourself? 

I love food, eating it ;) but also being able to create amazing dishes with it, that's why I got into the culinary world. I've managed to have successful restaurants in the US and hopefully in Europe soon. I have a close knit family (my brother can be a handful but I love him-shh, don't tell him that).LOL. I'm lucky to have a wonderful, beautiful woman in my life called Brittany.

Where do you live? 

At the moment we live in New York, but we travel to San Francisco from time to time.

Do you have any jobs or hobbies? 

I enjoy driving fast cars and of course watching football (American). I love going to the gym, I have a great trainer. I'm currently working on a cookbook but my restaurants keep me busy most of the time.

What are some of your likes and dislikes?

 I abhor being lied to. The truth is always the best way to go even if it hurts.

I completely agree. What is your greatest fear?

I went through my greatest fear with my brother and the circumstances surrounding that, but I got through it I would say stronger. Now, I would say losing Brittany and the life we have built together.

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? 

I wouldn't change anything. If I changed anything it would mean I wouldn't be the person I am right now, and I like who I am right now.

Great answer. Are you happy we know your story? 

Yes, and I hope readers would learn from my mistakes in the story.

Are you in love? 

Madly in love :)

Are you married? 

Not yet, but hoping to propose soon. *fingers crossed*

Fingers crossed indeed. I think I know this but tell us about someone important to you?

My girlfriend Brittany. She's a fierce law enforcement agent. Though she may seem to have a hard exterior, she's kind, gentle, beautiful inside and out.

Do you have siblings? 

Yes, a brother called Anton.

Ah the brother with the trouble. Do you like to travel? 

I love travelling. Recently we travelled to Italy, and it was a great experience.

Is there anything you want to say to your fans? 

Fans? Such a strange thing to hear that I have fans. LOL. I would say for them to live their best lives always.

Can we look forward to reading more of your story? 

This is my story for now.

Quinn, we've come to the end of the interview.  Thanks for talking with us today.

To read Quincy's story, click on the link in the comments here. --->

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Now it's your turn to ask Quincy.

Add your questions as an inline comment here. Don't forget to tag dreamergurl169 so they can get the question to him. ---->

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