Dom's Absolution - Dominic Giano Calvetti

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Book:  Dom's Absolution

Genre: Romance / Action Romance

Author: KimberlyTanithMarie

Character Name: Dominic Giano Calvetti

About the story:

Dom's Absolution is a mafia romance novel that focuses on two mentally scarred individuals.

Jade, an orphan, finds herself developing feelings for her rescuer, Dominic, over a decade and a half later. Having never had such emotions before for anyone, she decides to test her feelings by asking Dominic to kiss her.

Naturally, the mafia boss refuses. Dominic is a ruthless criminal mastermind with a love for fire. As a result of a dark and troubled past, he does not do relationships or any sort of intimacy for that matter.

It is obvious that the mafia boss cares for her in his own way. Can she use that small spark to her advantage?

Dominic is damaged. In fact, they both are. However, Jade believes that they owe it to themselves to explore these strange new feelings.

Will things work out or will the dangers of the criminal world surrounding them get in the way?

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Hello Mr. Calvetti. Can I call you Dominic or do  you prefer something else?

*Fiddles with switchblade*
I don't do nicknames, Dominic or Mr. Calvetti is fine.

Welcome and thanks for agreeing to talk to us today. 

You need to thank Jade. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here.

I'll be sure to do that. Can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda? Coffee? Wine? Whiskey?

Just get straight to the point, there's no need for all the false pleasantries.

Will do. Tell me a little about yourself?

There isn't much to tell. I love fire and I kill and torture people for a living.

Um... Where do you live?

Aelbank City

Do you have any jobs or hobbies?

I don't need a job; I own this city. And my favourite hobby is setting things on fire and watching the flames burn things to ash.

Okay ...  What are some of your likes and dislikes?

I like purple-haired brats and I hate dishonest people.

What is your greatest fear?

*grip on weapon tightens* Losing Jade

I see. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

Nothing. I may be a disfigured outcast, but the obstacles I've faced have led me to become a God among men.

Are you happy we know your story?

Jade is happy, that's all that matters.

What's a day in your life like?

It depends on the day. It can range from sitting by the pool with Jade to having to order a hit on someone.

Who's your favourite person in the world?


Tell us about her?

She's rude and manipulative. I'd never thought I'd say this, but she's worse than I am, in the best sense. She's my little hellfire.

Are you married?

Not yet, but I can see it happening soon

Amazing. Does this mean you're in love?

Very much so. Jade saw something in the darkness residing within me. She accepted me for who and what I was. To be honest, as you may have realized, I'm a man of few words, so I can't adequately describe how I feel about her. But know this, Jade is mine and I am hers... 

Jade is one lucky woman. Is there anything you want to say to your fans?

I would burn the world for her... *pockets switchblade*

Can we look forward to reading more of your story?
If it's what you wish...

I suspect many of us would like to read more. That's it Dominic, we're all done.  Thanks for talking with us today. 

To read Dominic's story, click on the link in the comment here ---->

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Now it's your turn to ask Dominic.

Add your questions as an inline comment here.  Don't forget to tag KimberlyTanithMarie so they can get the question to him. ---->

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