Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Hannah Brown

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Book Title: Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Book Genre: Romance / Humor / Drama

Author:   heypeeps834

Character Name: Hannah Brown

Nominated by:  MarieJuniormmk

About the story:

✦Warning: This story contains extreme cliche and clumsiness.✦

Hannah Brown is an abandoned woman, who's parents left her all alone at a very young age. She was bullied all through school and believes her life will always be this depressing and lonely hell hole. That is until she figures out she has to be the assistant to one of the biggest playboys and richest men in the city, Al Capone.

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Hi here! What should I call you? Do you prefer a nickname?

Most people call me Hannah, or just Han. Either one is fine

Welcome Hannah and thanks for agreeing to talk to us today. Can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda? Coffee? Wine? Whiskey?

Coffee is fine.

You got it. While it's brewing, tell me a little about yourself

I am an artist. I am very clumsy and try to stay away from people all the time. I tend to space out, and my family is my life. There isn't much to know about me, I am a pretty shy artist who is trying to become more confident.

Good for you! Where do you live?

Los Angeles, California

Do you have any jobs or hobbies?

I am an artist.

Big fan of supporting the arts. What are some of your likes and dislikes?

I HATE loud smacking and I LOVE skittles. If you put a pack of skittles in front of me, you better believe you will not be eating them.

Okay, protecting my skittles, got it. What is your greatest fear?

Spiders and elevators

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

I would probably say, not meeting my husband faster and less drama. It would have made it a whole lot easier

Oh, the drama. I got you. Are you happy we know your story?

Very happy. And a little embarrassed but mostly happy

Nothing to be embarrassed about here. Are you in love?


Tell us about someone important to you?

My husband, Al Capone. We have been through A LOT together and I would never be here without him.

Do you have an events or people in your past who affect you today?

Yes, The girls who bullied me in school and my parents. Not in a good way.

Do you have an archnemesis?

Selena Capri. I despise her

Do you have a secret?

I didn't accidentally drop my lingerie, it was totally on purpose.

Oh sounds like there is a story there! Is there anything you want to say to your fans?

I love you all and thank you for witnessing my crazy story!! I know a lot of you have gotten second hand embarrassment plenty of times, thank you for staying with me!!

Can we look forward to reading more of your story?

Yes! Soon!

Excellent! Well Hannah that's all the time we have. But I hope you'll come back soon and give us an update.

To read Hannah's story, click on the link in the comment here ---->

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Now it's your turn to ask Hannah.

Add your questions as an inline comment here. Don't forget to tag heypeeps834 so they can get the question to her. ---->

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