Part 38

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*Liz's POV*

I watched Salvador sit down infront of me I looked up and him and he stared at me waiting for me to explain "okay back when we where 17 and mom was still in jail I met a guy and that guy was tecolote and we fell in 'love' well I did cause apparently he never loved me but that's besides the point so we started dating and I would sneak out of the house even when it was fully Guarded I would leave to see him and when when mom got out it was still the same but a bit more harder we where dating by then then when all the things started happening with your

kidnapping and the drugs and mom sending you away was to much for me cause I hated how things where and you where over here in love with Begoña and mom hating her and quiet Franklin I didn't like her either anyways after Quintanillas death I wanted to leave I couldn't handle being like that anymore so I told tecolote that we should run away together and we made a plan but when that day came he never showed up and when I got back home Tia Caught me and I explained everything to her and begged her not to tell anyone ever about what I told her" I said

He sat there looking down " I can't blame you for wanting to leave I was ready to leave with Begoña too even thought you and mom hated I still loved her but now I have mi Rosario but thank you for telling me" he moved over and hugged me I hugged him back "Now that we are on good terms can you do me a favor" I smiled at him he looked at me "what do you want?" He raised and eyebrow "can you kidnap Oscar and Cesar and bring them here after the baby is born?" He looked at me (👁👄👁) "you want me to kidnap your ex and his brother?" He asked "yes?" I answered "okay" he got up and left.

~2 months later~

I woke up feeling like I peed my self I got up and felt a pain "oh shit." I grabbed my stomach "SALVADOR! VICENTA!!" I cried out I heard rushing footsteps Salvador was the first one to barge in with a gun "what?? What's wrong? What happened??" He asked " the baby is coming!" I said "what?!" He stood their shooked Vicenta rushed  in and smacked him in his head "Don't just stand there pick her up she need to go to the hospital!!" She yelled and Salvador rushed over to me and picked me up bridal style and rushed out of the room my Tia came out of her room "what's all the commotion whats wrong??" She asked " the baby's coming!!" Salvador yelled running outside to the SUV he put me in the backseat and Vicenta jumped in "just breath sis breath" she took ahold of my hand

I took deep breaths once we made it to the hospital Salvador carried me inside and they put me on a wheelchair and they took me to the delivery room I heard Salvador arguing with the nurse " let him come please he's my brother I need him" I looked back and the nurse nodded before telling him to changes into some gown or something the changed me into a hospital gown and they put a cap on my head. Salvador came in and walked over to me "you got this" he kissed my head and smiled softly at me.

~ Hours later~

"One last push!" The doctor said and I gripped Salvador's hand and pushed and I heard my baby girls cries through the room I smiled sighing in relief "you did it Sis" Salvador smiled at me and kissed my head "would you like to cut the cord?" The nurse asked Salvador. He looked over at me and I nodded "yes" he answered and he cut the baby's cored and she was placed on my chest I cried looking at her "my beautiful baby" I mumbled kissing her head. They took her away to get her cleaned up they cleaned me up and and I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up and looked around and saw Salvador holding Sara with everyone surrounding them I smiled "can I hold my baby?"I slowly sat up and they all looked at me and smiled " well I got to tell you sis you made one hell of a beautiful child just look at this beauty" Vicenta smiled and took her out of Salvador's arms and brought her to me and placed her in my arms I looked down at her and smiled "she has her fathers eyes" I mumbled smiling she looked up at me and smiled and grabbed onto me finger "Que hermosa mi saliste" i said kissing her cheek

"When can we go home?" I asked "now actually it's not safe if we stay here" Salvador said I nodded "don't worry about the name we told them so we have her birth certificate and everything" Tia told me and I nodded "I need to change" I said and Tia nodded and gave me a bag of clothes and she took Sara from me go change mija" she said and I nodded and walked to the Bathroom with a little bit of help from Salvador to go (not to change)

When we got home I went to my room holding Sara in my arms and there stood Eric holding a big ass teddy bear with presents and pink balloons on my bed " surprise!!" He yelled smiling " Aww thank you Eric" I smiled and hugged him "can I hold her?!" He asked I nodded and handed her to him carefully "ahi hermosa I'm your uncle Eric" he sat on the bed and walked to her while I open the presents he got her clothes, dipers, shoes, toys and blankets and lotion and many other things " thank you Eric for all this" I said smiling and put them with all the other things that everyone else got me for her " your welcome" he smiled and went back to talking to Sara who was looking up at him curiously.

I cleaned up the bed and put a pillow on the other side of me so that Sara would roll off the bed "she need to eat and I'm tried you can keep talking to her later Eric" I chuckled and he smiled "okay, continue this conversation later" he said to her before handing her over "close the door on ur way out please" I said before sitting down and feeding her"

~Another time skip~

Salvador's POV

Bebote and my men and I are sitting outside Oscars place waiting for a moment that Him and his brother are alone. The things I do for my sister... When it was night time everyone left and Oscar went inside with Cesar behind him we waiting a few hours to make sure they where alsleep I gave the Signal to move it to move in I got out with my man following behind me Bebote picked the lock to the door and we went in Two of my men when and got Cesar and Bebote and I went to get Oscar "OSCAR!!" We heard Cesar yell Oscar woke up "I'm sorry for this" I said and hit him with the gun and knocked him out "grab him" I told some men and the grabbed Oscar and took him out to the car the took Cesar to who was also knocked out we put a black hood on there heads as we drove.

When we got back they where already awake " Hey let us go!!" Cesar yelled they kept struggling as we took them inside the house and took them downstairs and sat them on chairs Liz told mi Tia to take Sara out of the room till she say to bring her in "Liz?.." Cesar said she walked over and took the black hoods off them.

*Liz's POV*

I looked a their faces " did you hit them??!!" I asked " I had to they wouldn't have just came if I asked I rolled my eyes and looked back at Oscar and Cesar "Hey boys" I smiled Oscar glared and Cesar was shocked " a-are you g-g-going to kill us?" He stuttered "then why the hell are we here for huh?!" Oscar yelled "no you crazy why would I want to kill you I brought you here cause I want you to meet someone...Tia!?" I yelled and my Tia came in holding Sara and I took her in my arms and sat infront of Oscar " Oscar Meet Sara your Daughter..."




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