Part 22

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The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing. I picked it and answered "Hello?" I answered annoyed that someone woke me up this early " where the hell are you the men are telling me that you ain't at your house!!" Salvador spoke angrily/worried " I'm at Oscars why are you calling me this early" I groaned sitting up. oh okay I'm just glad you are okay I sent some men to be with you after what happened to Debora I just want to make sure that nothing happens to you I cant bare to lose you mana he spoke getting sadder hey dont even say that I'm not going anywhere I got up looking out the window to see a black SUV parked outside my house I will go back to my house in a few tell them that okay I love you Salvador I spoke quietly

"I love you to mana" he said before hanging up. I grabbed one of Oscar's hoodies and put my gun that I carried around in the back of my waistband. I leaned over and kissed Oscar's cheek. I walked out of his room and walked out of the house. when I walked out of the house his dad was sitting outside smoking " leaving so soon" he asked looking over at me " yeah I got somethings to do" I answered walking down the steps he nodded I walked back to my house and when I opened the door I heard all the guns click I put my hands up

" its just me guys put the guns down" I spoke and looked at the 5 men they put there guns down " sorry Senora we thought it was an introdure" one of the spoke " no worries guys Juan is it" I asked the one that spoke " Yes that's me" he nodded I nodded back and looked at the other 4 " your names?" I asked " that's Miguel, Jose, Antonio and Luis" Juan spoke and they all one by one tipped there hat I nodded okay then nice to met you guys and I'm sorry that I'm asking just want to get to know my bodyguards I guess.

" okay well you guys can take a look around cause I have I have a business day of getting some stuff so imma go get ready. I walked off to my room and showered after my shower I picked out my outfit for the day I put on a white tank/crop too that stopped right over my belly button I then put on light washed lose jeans on the light leg where was a rip and also put on a black and yellow flannel and I also put on some Nike air forces. I put my things that I needed in my bag and walked out of my room into the living room " Ready Senora?" Juan asked me

" yes and don't don't carry around the big guns  of you can come 3 of you can come with me and the other two can stay here and when we get hide your guns because their are familes in this store so we have to not make a sense here" I told them before we walked out of the house Juan opened the door for me and once I got in he closed Jose got in on the other side of the car Luis got in the passenger side and Juan ran around the car and got in and drove off to the directions I told him where Costco was.

Once we got there I told them that Jose can come inside with me he hide his gun in his shirt and mine was in my bag but anyways Jose started pushing the cart and I was grabbing the groceries.

*Cesar POV*

I was waiting outside for the gang I heard footsteps running up to the house so I looked up and it was Ruby,Monse and Jamal running up " they took Lizbeth!" Ruby said out of breath " who took Lizbeth? What are you talking about she's inside sleeping" I answered confused standing up " No we just saw her get in a black SUV we think Cuchillos men took her or something" Monse put her hand on her hips breathing heavily.

I ran inside and opened Oscars and Oscar was putting on his shirt " Dude what the hell?!!" He went to close the door " wheres Lizbeth?" I asked " she went home why?" He answered " the gang saw her get in a black SUV they think cuchillos men took her" i answered him and he nodded grabbing his phone and called Liz and put it on speaker " Hello?" She answered " Mamas where are you? Are you okay?" Oscar asked her

" yeah I'm fine papi I'm just at Costco do you guys need anything?" She answered "oh okay yeah I will send you a message the kids saw you get in a black SUV that's why" he answered " get to school" he told me pushing me out of the room " okay okay" I grabbed my backpack " she's fine she's at Costco" I told them and we walked to school and talked about the plan to figure out where Little Ricky is....


Hey y'all hope you enjoyed this chapter

Always find a way back // Oscar Diaz // Señora AceroWhere stories live. Discover now