Part 8

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(Season 3 episode 7 of Señora Acero) ^^
~ same day~
"Everything she's saying it's true" doña Chavela said " she is the daughter of the late Vicente Acero, Salvador, Lizbeth she is your sister" she said and looked at us I had a smile on my face and Salvador looked shocked.
" so it's true" Chava asked " ma your making all of this worse" Don Chucho said after he called off the wedding " esta pelada porque nuca dejó nada porque la señora acero no dejó nada" Manual spoke " I Said it once and I will say it again YO SOY LA SEÑORA ACERO" Lorena screamed and I lost it " TU NO ERSE LA SEÑORA ACERO YO Y VICENTA SOMOS LA SEÑORA ACERO NENA OKAY LEARN YOUR PLACE AND SHUT UP ALREADY!" I yelled at her and got in her face Salvador started holding me back " Don't you dare talk to my daughter like that!" Don Chucho yelled " I don't care I can talk to who I want how I want your daughter is pissing off!! So she either shuts up or I will make her shut up just because she's married to an Acero doesn't make her one she need to earn it!!" I looked at both of them and went back to Oscar

They started arguing and Don Chucho started choking his own mother they where all trying to get him off her but a shot from and gun went off Oscar grabbed me but I pushed the kids behind us and I looked and saw Abelardo holding the gun and pointing it at Chucho and he started walking in front of Vicenta.

Doña Chavela need up pointing the gun Abelardo had at Chucho " Josefina You know every well that Vicenta is Daughter of Vicente Acero like I do" Doña chavela said still holding the gun I looked at my tia Josefina and she looked shooked as we all looked at her " Tia you knew we had a sister??" Chava asked

"I'm done with all of this guys let's go Fernando take up to the house please" I asked him " What part of nobody is leaving don't you get" Erick said as he grabbed my arm Oscar pushed him " don't touch her fool" He pushes me behind him " Oscar papi don't let's just go" I pulled him away " You better watch your self Oscar don't put your hands on my again!" Erick got in his face and I pushed him back " Gallo fucken stop we are leaving and that final!" I grabbed Oscar hand and we walked away with the fam all ready in the car I got in and we left back to the ranch.

~ later that day~
Lorena ended up coming to the ranch and now she lives here we all sat in the living room playing Uno " HAHA BITCHES I WON" Ruby jumped up and started dancing we all rolled our eyes " so you can't make friends your own age so you went with Little 15 year olds and a cholo" Lorena walked in with her little bitch face and looked at me I rolled my eyes " dear god please get this hija de puta out of this room before I send her up to you" I said loudly enough for her to hear " Okay I don't appreciate your little fucken attitude your giving me I'm your brothers wife and the lady of this house" he crosses her arms " Hahah you think your La Señora of this house No Mija this is my house yo soy La Señora Nina your a fucken brat that doesn't deserve my brother so get out of here and go be a bitch somewhere else cuz babygirl I will drag your ass so Leave!" I screamed in her face.
Salvador came in " whats with the yelling?" He asked " Shes yelling at me again" She whined I rolled my eyes " She came in here talking shit about mi novio and the kids I'm not just gonna let her disrespect them like that I told you this morning I wasn't gonna take shit from her if she's a bitch" I looked at him " she comes in here acting like she's La Señora de la Casa mi Tia Josefina, Araceli y yo somos la señora de la casa" " Lizbeth shes LA Señora de las casa now to she's my wife and plus you don't even live here anymore you left us" he said and I looked at him " wow okay Salvador" I walked away " Lizbeth that's not what I meant" he said grabbing my wrist but I pulled away " Don't touch me Salvador go back to your Señora since I don't live here anymore he can be in charge" I walked off and went into my room and started packing " Mi Reina" he came up behind me and stopped me " okay stop you can't get mad at your brother and just decide to leave" he turned me to fade him.

"Watch me, like what tf is wrong with him telling me that it's like ever since I left and his new wife or whatever came into the picture he's been on her side I mean I get it but that bitch really gets on my nerves" I kept ranting but stopped when he kissed me " your cute when your mad but you need to calm down" " do you know how to ride a horse?" I asked " um no?" I changed into a button up shirt and some jeans with some boots and I put on my belt " get changed into something comfortable I will be right back .

"Okay?" He answered as I walked out of the room and walked into the office and I looked around the drawer " Neña que ases?" Manual came in " I'm looking for my gun do you know where it is?" I kept looking "Ñena what are you gonna do with it?" She asked " I'm going out to ride my horse with Oscar I don't wanna be here but I need my gun" I asked and I found it.

It was a gold and silver gun with a few diamonds on it. " Here it is" " if your going to go out take one of the men with you" he said " no manual I want to be alone with Oscar y no quiero tener los hombres allí" i put the gun in my pants with the handle coming out " I will be back later okay" I kissed his cheek "Ñena it's not safe" " I know how to take care of my self you have to trust me okay" I looked at him and walked away and went back to the room "you ready?" I asked "yup never been on a horse tho so kinda nervous" "you will be alright homie" I smiled " I ain't your homie" "yeah your are homie" I grabbed his hand and dapped him "who taught you that?" He looks at me "a homie" I giggled and ran out of the room I heard him run after me I laughed as I heard him yell after me.
I ran out of the house and ran into the barn and froze when I saw my aunt and Tepo hooking up in one of the barn stalls.
~ ~~~~~~~~

Always find a way back // Oscar Diaz // Señora AceroWhere stories live. Discover now