Part 41

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* Vicenta's POV*

We had gotten all  30 immigrants that we were going to cross to the U.S  we were on the way to the beach. " Don't worry about a thing guys just stay calm guys because tonight you all with me in the states and that's a promise?" I told the immigrants that were with me. I clicked on my earpiece " Honey have you heard from  Eric?" I asked Daniel that was in the other truck  in front of the one that I was in" I'm just worried he won't be able to help us as he promised." I added " you already know how he is baby don't worry though. we'll deal with it and everything will be fine isn't that right bro" Daniel said and then spoke to Salvador at the end.

"I hope so, bro we're almost at our destination. tell everyone to get ready cause we are behind schedule." Salvador said and that's what we did everyone started grabbing their things.  we had gotten down to the sand and Salvador, Oscar and Bebote opened the stall doors to the back and everyone lined up in front of the trucks  "Remember the important thing here is not your belongings but to keep everyone alive!" I told them all " okay group one come with me!" Salvador said to the first group and motioned for them to follow him and we did the same with the 2 other groups. That's when I felt my heart drop we heard sirens behind us. we all slowly looked at each other knowing that we got caught we all put our hands up and slowly turned around to look at the police boat that was approaching us.

"Freeze nobody move! hands up! you are all under arrest!" a police officer said from the boat they all started getting off the boats and came towards us "this can't be happening.." I mumbled to my self  " stay calm I will talk to them" daniel said " don't bother daniel they ain't gonna listen to a gringo I will go talk to them" Salvador said and looked at me "sis call Eric cause is things go south it will start raining bullets" He said and I nodded. The police men walked forward with the guns pointed at us "Lower your weapons no need for you guys to be pointed them at us!" Salvador said "who's in charge here" he asked them that's when Eric and Bebote popped up from behind a guard on the boat he was smiling at us we all sighed of relief we put our hands down as they walked to us smiling "what's up Chavalone! How are you!" He smiled at me "Hey, Relax that's enough" he told the police men and they lowered their guns.

"whats up?" He nodded at Salvador "your a fucking bastard! How can you pull a park like that right now! We need to move!" Salvador told him angrily and the smile on Eric's face dropped and he just looked annoyed "okay first off it's Mr. Mayor to you but anyways we will talk later but like my dad used to say "let's get to it!" Because the ICE police will be swinging by in 15 minutes" he said "so let's get moving" he added and we all started getting the immigrants into the 3 boats. "Bebote you're going with Philips look after him" Eric told Bebote " yes, Mr. Mayor" he playfully bowed at him.

We all heard off into the ocean. We where all side by side each other looking around making sure we weren't being followed by anyone.  "Sis how are we?!" Salvador asked me "we are good I don't see any ICE police!" I shouted back

*3rd person POV*

Everyone was in high alert about being caught by ICE that they weren't paying attention to the boat that was following a bit behind them. And it was none other then El Indio Amaro. But he wasn't alone of course he had his men but his boss had sent him and  another lady Indira Cárdenas both are there for the same goal to get revenge on Los Acero for everything that has happened to them. Eric was the first one to notice El Indio following them he quickly informed the rest of them. At this point everyone knew that hey had to get the immigrants back to shore because it will start to rain bullets. Eric and his men where the first one to start shooting at El Indio and his men.

Always find a way back // Oscar Diaz // Señora AceroWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt