Part 37

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Once I finished my shower I got dressed in some sweatpants and a hoodie I walked out of my room brushing my long hair I walked down the stairs where everyone was "Tia" I walked over to mi Tia Josefina "yes?"She looked at me "can u do my braids please I would do them but my hands get tried fast" I pouted she smiled and nodded and told me to sit down on the couch I did as told and sat down. "Rosario you wanna know a little fact about mi hermanito?" I smiled and Salvador instantly looked up from some papers Rosario looked at me and rises an eyebrow "what?" She asked "he knows how to braid hair so he could help you with Elizabeth" I smiled I looked at Salvador and winked as he turned red " he would braid my hair after our mom taught him after she couldn't do it cuz we where "dead" to the world he would do it" I smiled softly.

"Awww how cute" Rosario pinched his cheeks and kissed him. My Tia came back and started braiding my hair. " what has happened while we where gone and how did you guys find El Indios ranch?" I asked "we got El Indios right hand man calls him self El Tecolote"(Tecolote on English is - Owl) I haven't heard that name since I was 18 "what are you guys going to do with him now" I asked "we gave him a choice to either work with us or we kill him" he said I nodded " can-"I was caught off when Vicenta came down the stairs " there you are I was looking for you the doctor is here and is waiting he said we can find out what you are having" she said excitedly clapping her hands

I smiled "there you go mija" my Tia kisses my head "thank you Tia" I went up to my room where the doctor had everything set up I laid in bed and the doctor did my check up and said the baby and I where both out he then put jell on my stomach and asked if I was ready to know the gender I smiled and nodded.
"Okay Thank you for coming" I walked the doctor out and walked downstairs everyone was there waiting on me. I smiled at them "well?" My Tia said "it's a GIRL!" I smiled as the girls cheered in happiness along with the guys I knew they wanted another boy but we need more girls in this house. "A baby girl congratulations Mija" my Tia hugged me then Salvador came over and hugged me "have you thought of names?" He asked and I nodded " Sara Aguilar Acero like her grandmother" I smiled looking up at him he looked down at him and tearing up "please don't cry your gonna make my pregnant ass cry to"I started tearing up we hugged each other "mom would have loved this for you" he whispered softly "I know" I smiled and

Eric came up to me picking me up and spun me around "Eric!!" I laughed grabbing onto him tightly "congratulations mija" he smiled at me and kissed my forehead "man how time flies with kids I remember when I first met you and Salvador you guys where only like 10" he teared up " aww Eric are you crying" I teased smiling "No" he sniffed "I just got something in my eyes"he rubbed them and we all laughed before he went to my Tia.

Everyone else hugged me and told me congratulations Rosario and the rest of the girls told me that they would plan the baby shower. I smiled and let them I head up to my room along with everyone else and changed into shorts and a big hoodie.
~Later that night~

I laid in bed awake thinking about that name Salvador told me I got up from my bed and quietly made my way outside to the back where I knew Where the guys took people to play 🙂 I snuck passed some guards and there I saw him all bloody up and chained up to a chair he looked up from my movement " took your time to come see me" he smirked " sorry I was to busy being kidnapped by your boss" I rolled my eyes and his eyes traveled down to my stomach " you got knocked up" he said shaking his head " No I didn't get knocked up I got pregnant by a man that I love" I said and leaned back on a table "what are your doing here neña" he said groaning " just wanted to come see if it was true that my brother got your ass" I smirked

"He got lucky" he answered angrily I fake pouted "poor baby" "I wouldn't have gotten caught but that fucker Indio left me there" he leaned his head back "now you know how it feels to be left stranded there" I scoffed I got up "also.." I slapped him hard "that's for leaving me thinking we would run away together!" I slapped him again "that's for making me fall in love with you!" I screamed at him " I DIDN'T MAKE YOU DO ANYTHING!!" He screamed back into my face I grabbed a knife that was on a table and pointed it right to his face "I thought you loved me I was ready to leave my family for you!" I pointed right at his throat.

"Lizbeth What The Fuck are you doing!!" I heard Salvador's Voice enter the shed " I never loved you..I was just using you for my entertainment" he smirked I felt tears form in my eyes I slid the knife across his chest then stabbed his his thigh leaving the knife in this thigh Salvador grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the shed. "What was he talking about?? How the hell do you know him Lizbeth!!? Answer me!!" He yelled grabbing my arms "LET GO OF ME!!" I pushed him away "whats with all the yelling? It's 3am?" My Tia Josefina came out along with Eric and Vicenta and Daniel " You want to know what's wrong turns out my dear sister here some how knows Tecolote" Salvador said angrily

"one of the men heard the yelling from inside the shed and went to go get me when I walk in there he was yelling her that he never loved her" he stole them and they all looked at me. I looked at my Tia and saw her face "it was him wasn't it?" She said walking over to him and I nodded telling my tears go she pulled me into a hug "Tia what are you talking about?" Salvador asked "Enough Salvador!!" She basically yelled at him "your stressing her out and her being like this isn't good for the baby! So quit being an asshole she will tell you when she's ready!" She stroked my hair Vicenta walked over to us "come on let's go to bed" I nodded I she wrapped her arms around me and walked inside with me.

My Tia and Vicenta put me in my bed I grabbed onto my Tias hand "Tia Stay with me please" I said quietly to her she nodded and I moved over a bit "goodnight" Vicenta left mi Tia sat down and i laid my head on her lap she played with my hair till I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up alone I got up and got in the shower and got dressed dried my hair before walking downstairs When I walked into the dinning room everyone looked at me except for my Tia she understood what happened "so are you gonna talk about what happened yesterday" Salvador asked I ignored him and walked into the kitchen and grabbed my fruit salad I grabbed my fork and walked out "Lizbeth?" I continued to ignore him "Hey  I'm talking to you!!" He yelled

" DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME I HABE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU BEING IN MY BUSINESS WHAT EVER HAPPENED BETWEEN ME AND TECOLOTE IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS I WILL TALK WHEN IM FUCKEN READY!" I closed my eyes and put my hand on my stomach "okay hey calm dow" Rosario came up to me quickly "I'm fine" I pushed her away before making my way back up t my room.

*Josefina POV*
"You have no right to pressure her like that especially now that she's close to giving birth don't you understand what she will talk when she's ready!" I looked at my nephew "you know something about them don't you?" Salvador questioned "yes, yes I do but I will keep my mouth shut till she's ready because unlike you everyone here is respectful and knows how to be patient!" I stood up and left and went to Liz's room I knocked on the door "mija can I come in" I asked "come in" I heard her I opened the door and she was eating her fruit salad on her bed "how you feeling?" I asked

"I don't know Tia how would you feel after seeing the  man you first fell in love with and planned on running away with but he never came to our stop that we where gonna meet at and then 6 years later your brother has been torturing him for information" she said all in one breath "stupid question I'm sorry mija" I hugged her "it's fine Tia I don't love him anymore I love Oscar still it just hurts you know he told me he never actually wanted me he was using me" she mumbled I stroked her hair and listened to her

"This may sound rude but your stupid for leaving Oscar after everything that happened yeah you guys had a fight but that was just petty of you to leave and for what you said you didn't want kids but look here you are 7 months pregnant I wouldn't want to keep my baby away from its father he has the right to know that he has a child. If you love him go back to him you both love each other I could see the way he looks at you when you brought him over here" I told spoke to her wiping her tears

She nodded "do you think we can get Salvador to go kidnap him and Cesar after the baby is born?" She asked and I chuckled " he will probably agree but you need to talk to him mija" I said and she nodded can you call him up here please" she mumbled I nodded and kissed her head " I love you" I said before walking out and walking downstairs " Salvador she wants to talk to you but don't yell at her." I spoke to him sternly he nodded and went upstairs.

We finna kidnap Oscar and Cesar

Always find a way back // Oscar Diaz // Señora AceroHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin