Part 31

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I woke up the next morning feeling nauseous so I got up and ran to my bathroom but knowing how I am I hit my self on my desk and I drop my lap it shattered and the glass went everywhere from the lightbulb I tried to step over it as quickly as I could but that didn't work cause I got glass in my foot " FUCK!" I screamed "shit" I mumbled grabbing my trash can and threw up in it since I couldn't make it into the bathroom.

"Liz?!" I heard knocking from outside "I'm-" I couldn't finish cuz I threw up again " Oh shit Liz" Salvador came in and grabbed my hair and put it up for me he rubbed my back " I heard something fall and then you screamed" he said and then everyone started to come in "Oh Mija" my Tia rushed over to me I wiped my mouth and pushed my trash can away and looked at everybody and I hide my face in Salvador's chest "Okay everyone out we will take care of her" Vicenta said "there's nothing to see just a sick Acero" she chuckled and got everyone out.

" there's glass in my foot" I said once everyone got out "really I didn't notice the bloody foot" Salvador said sarcastically "just get me on my bed please carnal" I asked him he nodded and picked me up and set me on my bed my Tia came back into the room with some tweezers and a rag and a small bowl of water "it's gonna hurt so I'm just worrying you" she said "tia I have been shot with a gun I think I can handle getting glass out from my foot" I said she nodded and started taking the glass out " asu pinche madre!!" I covered my mouth laying back Salvador and Vicenta where laughing.

I threw my pillow at them "Mija don't move I'm almost done" my Tia said "but there laughing at me" I pouted " you big baby" Salvador said " you guys really do still act like children" Tia chuckled "and I'm down I'm just gonna wrap your leg" she said " okay thank you Tia" I smiled softly at her.

After she wrapped my foot she asked me if I need anything and I told her no so she left so that left Salvador laid down next to me "how are you feeling u don't feel like throwing up anymore? I can call the doctor" he said " I  just have a headache and my stomach hurts I think it was probably something" I said " well I'm going to call the doctor to he if he can take a look at you I don't eat you getting sick on us" he said getting up and walking out of the room I looked over at Vicenta and she was staring at me " What?" " no nothing I was just thinking imma go now" she smiled awkwardly before leaving.

When she left I laid down and started thinking after a few minutes I put my hand on my stomach I got up and limped to the bathroom and lifted up my shirt and turned to the side and rubbed my stomach. stared at my stomach " Liz?!" I heard Salvador voice I limped out of the bathroom " I'm right here" I leaned on the door way " what are you doing up your going to hurt your foot" he came over to him and picked me up and put me back on my bed " Salvador I'm fine I just can't put pressure on my foot or else that will hurt but I want walk" I chuckled

" I don't care sis I don't want you getting hurt anymore and the doctor said we can go in later" he said I nodded "okay just let me know when we are leaving okay" I said " I will you should get some rest you look liked pale" he moved some hair out of my face " will you stay with me?" I asked " sure I will" he scooted in close with me he wrapped his arms around me. "Remember when when we where little and you would hold me like this when ever I got scared?" I laid my head on his chest "yeah when you would come into my room after you had a nightmare" he chuckled "or that time Mami got kidnapped" i mumbled " yeah she came in that night after you fell asleep" he said I nodded closing my eyes.

~ Few hours later~

I woke up to someone shaking me " Liz wake up we have to go" i opened my eyes " okay okay just give me a minute to change" I mumbled standing up rubbing my eyes. I got up and limped to my closet and got dressed and put on sandals I limped out to the door " Lets go" I said to Salvador that was waiting for me. I walked ahead of him limping a bit he helped me on to the car " Salvador I'm fine I don't need help" I said " would you quit being so stubborn and let me help you" he chuckled closing the door and and walking around the SUV and getting in the driver side.

Blah blah skip to the doctors office....

They called my name "I will be back" I got up and went to the doctors room " so Miss.Acero What seems to be the problem?" He asked " well I woke up this morning feeling nauseous and with the headache" I said sitting down " and when did you last have your cycle?" He asked I stared at him " I-I don't remember a month or so ago" I said he looked at me and nodded his head " do you mind if we take an ultrasound to make sure?" He asked "no I don't mind" I said and he pointed at the bed thing they have in the room I got on it and laid back.

I lifted up my shirt and he put the gel on my stomach he turned on the machine and moved the handle thing around "well would you look at that" he smiled and turn the monitor towards me " you are Pregnant" he pointed at a little thing. I was so shocked that I didn't k ow what to say.

I'm pregnant with Oscars baby...

Tun tun tun 😂

Always find a way back // Oscar Diaz // Señora AceroWhere stories live. Discover now