Part 35

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"Liz...wake up...come on wake up" I felt someone shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes "W-what happened?" I asked sitting up " El Indio kidnapped us" Rosario said squatting infront of me "how are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you feel any pain?" She started asking me a bunch of questions " Chayo I'm fine my side just hurts cuz I landed on it when Miguel grabbed me" I said and started standup her and Felipito helped me up. I leaned my back against the cage and closed my eyes.

But moments later we heard a the door open I opened my eyes and looked towards who was coming in it was El Indio Felipito quickly grabbed me and stood infront of me protectively." Well look it here we hit the jackpot with the two most important women of Salvador Acero the twin and the wife" he smiled at us. " your very own Rosario Y Lizbeth Acero I never got my invitation for the baby shower must have gotten lost in the mail" he smiled evilly at me " like I would let you anywhere near my baby" I wrapped my arms protectively around my baby bump.

"Well anyways I didn't know how to give you guys a warm welcome so I asked for help from a friend..BRING HIM IN!" He yelled and two guys with mask on they where bringing in José Ángel. The man who Salvador and I thought was our brother he raped Rosario for revenge to Salvador. José Ángel was mad and jealous he blamed us for his mother's death. We loved Miriam she was an amazing women and like Araceli she was family to us when El Teca killed her it broke us. Salvador told us that he killed him but some how he survived he's the reason Rosario lost her baby.The men pushed inside José Ángel and locked the cell door behind them.

"Come on sweetie don't be shy say hello" Indio laughed "don't you dare lay a hand on her bastard" Felipito said noticing how scared Rosario looked as she watched José Ángel "Hey your okay I won't let him hurt you okay" I whispered to her and slipped my hand into hers she looked at me and nodded.
" would you look at that he thinks he could talk back cause he got hair on his peaches" he laughed at Felipito " just like your father you blathering brat" Indio shook his head "My dad isn't scared of you or anyone" Felipito shot back at him

"who said I'm talking about El Gallo? I'm talking about your real father Felipe Murillo. Your just a pity case" he smirked at him . Felipito went forward to attack Indio but Rosario and I grabbed him " Hey Calm down don't let him get under your skin" I told him "let me go I'm not gonna let him talk about me like that!" He shouted trying to get out of our grip "stop don't fall for his game your smarter then him" Rosario told him "if your done being a fucken asshole why don't you and your men get the fuck out of our site" I glared at him. "Gladly i hope you guys enjoy our special friend" he chuckled and left with the men.

" NO NO DON'T LEAVE ME IN HERE!! PLEASE DON'T!!" José Ángel screamed but they ignored him he turned around and stumbled before sliding down the cage door "Whats wrong with him" Felipito asked us quietly "I think he's drugged" I whispered before moving around Felipito and walking slowly towards him " Liz! What are you doing get back here!" Rosario screamed "Shhhh he ain't gonna do nothing stop screaming" I rolled my eyes and I slowly got on my knees infront of him

"Pepito?" I softly slapped his face "hmm?" He answered slowly opening his eyes I looked back at Rosario who looked confused I turned back around and looked at him before slapping him in the face with all my Strength "Hija de puta! Why the hell did you do that for?" He yelled at me holding his face he tried to stand up but failed since he was drugged "you know why José Ángel! You pig! Oh how I know your mother is so disappointed in you! I know I would if my son ever treated a woman like that for revenge on someone who considered you a brother he helped you leave this place!" I yelled at him

"I did have any money they kicked me out!" He yelled back "then you should have fucken called we would have sent you money but no you come back and do this you ruined her life and now your here working with El Indio of course" I stood up and walked back over to the bench and sat down next to Elizabeth.

" Look I just want to say I'm sorry for what I did" he said leaning his head back on the bars Rosario was still holding the little statue ready to hit him with it if needed "Sorry ain't going to make up what you did to me bastard! because of you I could never give Salvador a child because of you I lost my baby because of you I cant have children of my own!!" she yelled at him I brought Elizabeth close to me and wrapped my arms around here and kissed her head. " so your sorry to me means nothing to me" she said angrily.

"I never meant to make you sterile" he screamed he out burst made both Rosario and Felipito take a step back " things got out of hand and I was blinded by rage and I know there's nothing that I can do to change your mind but I've changed Rosario" he looked crazy while talking I stood up and pulled Rosario and Felipito back a bit watching Jose angel "I've Changed..." he rushed towards her Rosario gasped and turned shilding her self with her hands I wrapped my arms around her as Felipito shoved him back.

" Aren't you listening?" Felipito shouted at him " she doesn't want you near her" he added " Listen Jose Angel you do something like that again I will knock you out I don't give a rats ass that I am pregnant I will do it if you go near her!" I told him still holding Rosario. " if you wanna hit If that makes you happy then be my guest! HIT ME" he yelled on his knees with is arms opened. " how do we do it to get out of here?" Rosario pulled away looking down at him " I don't know" he mumbled " How the fuck do you not know how to get out of here!" she yelled

"his dumbass is useless" I said sitting down " our family will come for us and all of this will be over" Felipito said putting his hands on our shoulders



Always find a way back // Oscar Diaz // Señora AceroWhere stories live. Discover now