Part 27

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~2 Days Later~
Cesar was staying with me I knew he was getting worried Oscar hasn't texted or called I was worrying myself but I knew he was okay. "Morning Kid" I smiled at Cesar from the kitchen where I was making food for the men and our self "morning" he mumbled sitting down at the table and served him some breakfast and for my self and set it infront of him and sat down. " I need you to tell me what you know about this cuchillos bitch?" I asked drinking my orange juice " she the heir of the Santos" he answered and I nodded " okay I know she kidnapped you guys. Did she threaten you guys or do something?" I asked

" she called Ruby he's scared he went to Monses mom funeral and said some harsh things." He said eating I nodded "so do u know where she lives?" I asked and he looked at me and I knew what he was thinking " are you crazy she can hurt you" he said dropping his fork " what she gonna do stab me. I ain't scared of her and plus who said I was going alone" I raised an eyebrow and Salvador walks into the house " so are we doing this or not?" He asked Cesar looked at him and then back at me " I wanna come to" he said " no you have to stay here go with the gang we will be fine I promise we will get Oscar I just need to know where Cuchillos lives" I said he nodded and explained to us how to get there.

"You and the gang can hang here if it makes you guys feel any better I will leave Antonio and Luis here with y'all" I told him getting up and putting my dish in the sink " okay just be careful please" he said standing up " I will don't worry about me" I hugged him and kissed his head when I pulled away I looked at Salvador " let me go get ready real quick" i said and he nodded I went to my room and got dressed

"You and the gang can hang here if it makes you guys feel any better I will leave Antonio and Luis here with y'all" I told him getting up and putting my dish in the sink " okay just be careful please" he said  standing up " I will don't worry abou...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I zipped up my boots before walking out "let's go" I nodded and looks at Cesar " I will see you soon okay" I walked out with Salvador behind me we got in the car with 2 SUV behind us and we went to Cuchillos house or mansion I should say. " Salvador was telling the men our plan through the walkie talkies they had since this was last minute i called him yesterday and told him my plan.

When we got there two groups of the men on either side of the house to surround it while we went through the front and shots began to fire we ducked and ran inside flipping over a table and we looked around "we have to check upstairs" I pointed at the staircase "you run up their first I will cover for you" Salvador said "okay" I replied and ran up and soon after Salvador followed a man shot at us from a corner he missed us by a little bit so Salvador pulled me into a hallway he looked around the corner and shot at the man "come on" i motioned for me to follow him.

" BOSS WE GOT HER!" we heard some men from downstairs yell. We walked down the stairs and went to them and I saw her on the ground kneeling " well well well finally get to meet the one and only Cuchillos" I smirked " Wheres Oscar?" I asked "your gonna regret this you bitch!" She tried standing up but got pushed down "you are not in the best position to make threats to me. You will be the one regretting everything you have done! Where is Oscar!!" I was getting pisses off at this point " I left that pice of trash with 19th street" she said rolling her eyes. I looked at the men that where holding her down and nodded at them.

The hit her in the back of the head with there guns and carried her out to the trucks " we have to go to 19th street now" I said to Salvador "whats 19th street ?" He asked " it's a group of Cholos there kids well they look like kids to me I don't even know how old they are but they beat up Jamals dad cuz he didn't pay them" I said getting in the car "Jamal? The skinny black kid the weird one??" He asked " Yes that one and he ain't weird he's unique" I chuckled and he laughed.

When we got to 19th street where they hung out I put my gun in my bag and set it down "what are you doing?" Salvador asked " putting my gun away u need to leaves yours to we have to show that we ain't here to start something and tell the men to stay in the cars their just kids kinda" I said and got out of the car. Salvador got out after me moments later and stood next to me i lifted my shirt up a bit and did a small spin to show that I didn't have a gun on me and Salvador did the same I walked infront of Salvador and knocked on the door.

One of the guys I believed was Sapo opened the door. He looked me up and down I rolled my eyes "where Spooky?" I asked "who's asking?" He asked "the neighbors are" I answered sarcastically " me obv-" I stopped when I heard a loud groan that was weird cuz it sounded like Oscar. I pushed passed him and into the house " HEY!" He yelled and grabbed my arm and some of the guys that were in there got up quickly " Hey dont touch her!" Salvador yelled " Hey Hey Mano calm down" I looked at Salvador and then at Sapo " Sapo man let spooky's lady go" some one spoke walking into the living room " he let go of me and I turned to look at who it was the leader you could say " Be nice to our guest man" he sat on the couch and looks up at me "what do you want?" He asked "okay enough of this bullshit where Spooky?" Salvador asked he was getting irritated.

" he's somewhere here" he answered "okay you know what let's work together what do you want huh!" I sat on a chair infront of him "We want Cuchillos, Oscar said we get what we want if she's gone" he said sitting up putting his hands on his knees "you want that bitch fine" I looked at Salvador "can you get the guys to bring her in here" I asked and he nodded and walked to the door and motioned for them to bring her in.


Always find a way back // Oscar Diaz // Señora Aceroحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن