Part 11

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*Liz's POV*
It's been a while since I last talked to my family I know there going through some stuff with El Indio but Vicenta is warming up to us we talks to me once and while but yeah I'm glad. Things have been crazy to that bitch that came and got her ass beat tried to come around again when I wasn't their.

Bitch has the nerves I swear this puta has it coming let her catch me in a bad mood then shit will go down. "Fernando Imma go grab something from the store I will be back in a few" I grabbed my bag and walked out I got in the jeep I had just gotten when I was younger when my mother was still alive I saw Erick pull up in one he had beer in hand and some girl in the car but I was mostly interested in the jeep ever since then I have been wanting one.

I drove to the store and got what I needed to get I was putting things in my car when I pushed up against it " your Spookys hyna so send him this little message" a prophet pulled up he punched me in the face he went to hit me again but I grabbed his arm and twisted it and slammed him in the ground and pulled out my blade and put it to this throat " now if you ever put your Fucken hands on me again I swear I will kill you , you may be in a gang but I'm bigger then you think so get your ass out of here before I change my mind about leaving you alive" I stood up "oh and I forgot something" I kicked him right in the dick I got in my car and drove off.

"Fucken hell another black eye my other one just healed! Puto!" I drove back to the block and as I passed by the Santos house I looked away not wanting them to see my eye yet.
I got out of my car and I saw Oscar walk up to the house and Fernando rushed out to me " Señora es tu hermano he has something to tell you" he looked at me and he had that look on his face that something bad happened he gave me the phone " Salvador qué pasó whats wrong? Are you guys okay ???" I walked inside " They killed him they killed our Parcerito..." (parcerito- Buddy or pal)after he told me that everything just stopped I felt my self fall to the floor and started sobbing and screaming I felt someone come and hold me from behind but I kept crying and crying just letting it out.
*Oscars pov*
I was holding her and I have never seen her like this I kept whispering things in her ear tryna calm her down when I did she looked at me her face was really red and she had a black eye " the fuck happened to your face?? Did you get in a fight again?" "No some puto ass prophet pulled up on me but I don't care about that right now they killed mi Parcerito" more tears where starting to come out

" he was basically my dad and now he's dead they took him away from us" she spoke "did you brother said how he died ?" I asked "no I was to busy balling and screaming at the top of my lungs to ask him on how my fucken stepdad was just Murder!" She got up and stormed off to the backyard.

"Liz!" I got up and walked to the back door " I would leave her to calm down for a bit she's upset and she gets angry easily when she's upset so just let her cool off for a bit" Fernando spoke "and how Manual was killed was they went to El Indios hide out and attacked it and Indio shit him and when they found him he was barely breathing they took him to the hospital and he was good but they some how Indio got in and killed him there" he looked at me

"alright can you tell her that when she's ready to talk to come over to my place" "I will thanks for at least helping her through that breakdown she had" he patted my back I nodded and walked back to my house.

This one short but it's still something

Always find a way back // Oscar Diaz // Señora AceroWhere stories live. Discover now