"Ah, thank you so much Yoongi, Jungkook." Jin was relieved he finally got help. Usually only Yoongi would volunteer. The kitchen was busy, and Taehyung had helped set up the table. Initially Namjoon was going to but they all retaliated, afraid he'd break a plate in the process and they didn't have a spare.

Namjoon was mildly insulted but understood since he himself couldn't trust himself sometimes with how clumsy he was.

*ding dong*

Taehyung flicked his head up in surprise like a puppy.

"I'll get it!" He called before seeing a running blond headed boy, speeding from the hallway.

"Jimin!" Taehyung whined again, chasing after the other boy to the doorway, already too late as Jimin opened the door.

"Hana!" Jimin beamed and hugged her first. She giggled and muffled a hi to him in his chest.

"Sorry, could you help take this for me?" She looked at the two before Jimin took the box from her.

"My turn!" Taehyung hugged her tightly, the familiar scent of apple cinnamon calming her nerves.

"Where's Yeontan?" She beamed up at him excitedly. Unfortunately his face dropped and he stood back.

"Sorry Hana, my parents weren't free to drop him off at such short notice and they live pretty far." He pouted. He really wanted her to meet Yeontan and he was scared she'd be disappointed in him.

"Oh don't worry Tae! There will always be another time." She smiled up at him and hugged him again. She didn't want him to be upset, he gladly returned the hug and Jimin grinned lovingly at the two.

"Is that Hana I hear?" Hobi poked his head out from the corner, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"Hi Hobi!" Before she was engulfed in another big hug from the boy. Both of them giggling excessively.

"Come on, let's go see the others." He led her to the living room where the rest were with the open kitchen.

They all greeted her enthusiastically, she hugged each and every one of them before settling in one of the bar stools that overlooked the kitchen.

"So what's this Hana?" Jimin placed the box on the table and she smiled widely.

"Why don't you take a look?" She cheekily smirked at him, laying her chin on a propped up hand on the counter. Jimin cocked an eyebrow at her curiously before untying the purple ribbon around the white box, lifting the covers.

"What is it? I want to see!" Taehyung came by and Kookie did too as they all gasped in unison.

"Noona, Did you make these?" Wide doe eyed Kookie looked up at her before marveling back at the beautifully BT21 decorated cupcakes, one for each member.

"Wait I want to see!" Jin came by to have a look and the others soon crowded around.

"Wow!" Hobi was amazed.

"RJ looks so cute!" Jin smiled happily at his most prized and favored character.

"Hey shooky even has actual chocolate chips." Yoongi chuckled.

"You got Koya's expression perfectly." Namjoon chuckled.

"Chimmy is the best!" Jimin cheered.

"No Tata looks the best!" Taehyung grinned.

"Wait Noona, what about you?" Kookie looked up at Hana again, noticing there were only seven cupcakes.

She shook her head, "I made these for you." She smiled sweetly at them. Everyone's hearts melted at her kind gesture, Jin came round to hug her once more.

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