Chapter 18

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Third Person's POV

A shrill scream. It was coming from Annabeth and Percy's room. Charlie and Silena dropped their bags and ran up the steps lightning quick. Were they too late?

"Stop, please! I'm begging you!"

Annabeth was on the ground, clutching her stomach. Her eyes were more of a white-gray now, as if they had lost their spark. Her grey streak, usually hard to find, stood out. Percy was trying to stop the person from killing Sally and Annabeth.

"Nemesis stops when Nemesis chooses!" The goddess's eyes glinted with a mad twinkle. Silena amd Charlie pulled out their weapons, advancing towards her.

"Mom! Dad! Grandma!" Charlie lunged at the goddess, who cackled and pushed him back with a wave of her hand.

She wasn't like the other gods. Little did they know she fed off their hatred towards her.

"Great! You are all here. Who shall I kill first, Percy Jackson?"

Nemesis looked over at Annabeth, who was breathing heavily. Percy grabbed a hold of the goddess's foot.

"Don't touch my wife," he growled. He, Silena, and Charlie lunged at the goddess. Nemesis yelped back, a golden gash on her arm from where she blocked Silena's blow.

"Fine, boy. Your mother is too old, anyways." Sally let out a moan, and fell. Her frail body couldn't handle all of this.

Chaos was everywhere. Silena was with Annabeth, and Charlie was helping his grandmother. Percy faced the goddess.

"Stop, please! What will it take, Nemesis?" He yelled.

Nemesis thought for a moment, pursing her plum lips. Her thoughtful gaze then turned wicked. She gazed around the room, her eyes everywhere. Silena even felt as if Nemesis had smirked at her.

"I will let you choose, Hero. Any family member in this room. The girl, Silena doesn't count. You have one week; don't delay, or you will perish. The other gods don't care what happens to you, Boy. You are mine." Nemesis threw Annabeth a smirk she couldn't see, and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, as if a tide was lifted, everything was calm, and everything was normal. Sally, had woken up, though in pain, but Annabeth was now near crying. And she never cried.

"Annabeth!" Percy ran to her aid, holding her in his arms. Annabeth let out a yelp and tried to stand up. She ultimately failed, and she fell into Percy's arms.

"Percy, the baby. Sh- she's coming!"

Percy couldn't believe it.

The child was two months early.

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