Chapter 17

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Percy's POV

"PERCY!" Annabeth's voice rang through the house. She was seven months pregnant. I ran as fast as I could, to find Annabeth. I got to our room, to find her in the corner of the room, shielding herself for Nemesis. She was back.

"What are you doing?!" I ran to Annabeth's aid. She was in pain, but Nemesis wasn't touching her. I scooped her into my arms, and she dug her nails into my skin.

"Nemesis... she's killing our daughter!" Annabeth let out another yelp of pain. She clutched her large stomach, and hunched over. Annanethand the baby were dying.

"Get away from her!" I pulled out Riptide, coming between my wife and the goddess.

"Do you really think a sword will kill me? I'm a goddess!" Nemesis flung Riptide in the corner, and it didn't reappear.

"Who wants revenge on us?" I asked.

"Who do you think? I might be a goddess, but... I don't take sides. All these years, the great Percy Jackson has been going around, killing helpless monsters..."

"Helpless? I don't kill the helpless. I didn't kill Bob, and I only kill the ones who try and kill us."

"Yeah, yeah! Anyways, let's just say these monsters... formed a friendship. They called on me, and here I am." Nemesis shot a wicked glance at Annabeth. "Truth is, Percy Jackson, I was going to kill your mother. And then your wife became pregnant! What fun! Seeing your wife and daughter die will be even better."

No, I was trapped. She was going to kill Annabeth, thus killing the baby.

She was going to kill my loved ones.

"Nemesis! Kill me instead!" I stood up with shaky hands.

"Percy no!" Annabeth yelled. I tried ignoring her pleads.

"What fun would that be? If you died, you would go to Elysium. Annaneth would too, but if she died, you would be in most misery!" Nemesis clapped her hands, as if she had solved a puzzle at last. How long had she been planning this?

"Percy?" Mom's voice rang from the house. She was staying here while Paul went out of town.

"Mom no!" I didn't want her here. I didn't want her to die too. No, no one would die. Not on my watch.

She came in anyways, staring wide-eyed at the goddess. In this position, my mom look so old. Her hair was almost completely gray, and her wrinkles were deeper than usual. Nemesis cracked a smile.

"Now you're all here! Where's the boy?"

"You won't get my son, too."

Charlie and I were cool now, and he was at school. He wouldn't be home for another... I had no idea what time it was.

"Well, when your son gets here, we can start the killing."

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