Chapter 2

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Percy's POV

We entered Camp, and were greeted by Chiron and our friends.

"Percy! Annabeth! How are you? How's the kid?" Chiron said. We'd visited Camp, but never with Charlie.

"Actually, Chiron, he came with us." I pulled Charlie forward. His eyes were on Chiron's horse half.

"A horse! I want a horse! Is it for me?" Charlie started pulling away to go to Chiron. I was happy he wasn't creeped out.

"No. This is Chiron, our friend," Annabeth said. Chiron smiled at Charlie.

"Now. About your powers..." Time for a long talk.

After Annabeth and I explained everything to Charlie, he seemed happy. He wanted to know more about this Greek stuff and his grandparents. Looks like he got an Annabeth trait. Sigh.

* * *

"Mom! Dad! I got an A!" Charlie came into the kitchen holding up a paper. It was a drawing of a fish. Annabeth looked at the paper and smiled.

"Good job!" Annabeth gave him a hug. Over his shoulder, she gave me a smug smile. I knew it was coming. His gift from Annabeth and Athena.

"You know what, Kiddo. As a reward, I'm going to show you a very important movie. It will help you become a man," I buffed.

"Really? I'm gonna be big like you? What's the movie?"

"Finding Nemo!!!" I yelled.

"Seriously, Percy. Your kidding me." Annabeth rolled her eyes and smirked. I nodded my head and led our son to the living room.

* * *

"Just concentrate, okay? Try moving the water."

"I'm trying, Dad. It won't listen."

"Percy! Charlie! Come here!" Annabeth called from the living room. I was in the bathroom, trying to teach Charlie to control his gift.

"Yes, Wise Girl?" I said as we ran into the room.

"I know why Charlie can't control his powers."


"He's not as strong as you. Your connection to the water is stronger than his. You're the son of Posiedon. He's the grandchild of Posiedon. He has powers, but well... it won't be easy to control them. They might not be there during important moments, or they might pop up during school. They're as unpredictable as the Oracle of Delphi," Annabeth rushed.

I tried to process everything. "How do you know all this?"

"Don't question my knowledge, Seaweed Brain."

As I said, I'm rushing through his childhood. This chapter was in bits. The next one will be about him at the age of thirteen. I know, I know, but admit it. You want his teen years.

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