Chapter 7

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Silena's POV

"Need something, Sloan." I was eating a cereal bar and talking to Charlie when Jeffrey Sloan appeared. I hated him. He had a thing for me, and he was really annoying.

"Yeah, can I have a kiss?" He leaned closer, his breath stirring close to my ear.

"No, you jerk. She has a boyfriend right here," Charlie said, getting up and shoving Jeffrey.

"Does it look like a care?"

"Dude, just leave," I said, standing up and holding Charlie's hand. He turned over to give me a kiss on the cheek, smirking at Jeff.

"You'll be mine Silena. Just watch when he leaves you." Jeffrey walked towards his buddies at another table, leaving Charlie and I.

"Y- you wouldn't leave me, right?" I stammered, sitting down. Now that I think about it, Charlie has never said 'I Love You'. Maybe he doesn't feel the same way.

"Why in the world would I leave you? You're the best things that's ever happened to me," Charlie says, putting an arm around me. I lean into his shoulder, enjoying his company.

*    *    *

After school, we do homework together, like always. It was at his place this time. We ran into his room so we weren't bombarded by mom talking to me. I think she really liked us together.

After an hour of homework, I lie down, looking at Charlie's white ceiling.

"I wanna go to Camp," he whines, lying down next to me.

"I know, right? The mortal world is so boring. I wanna ride a pegasus again. They say I'm as good as the hero I was named after."

"Really? My dad knew the hero Charles Beckendorf really well. He died to save all of Camp Half Blood," Charlie says, turning to face me.

"Yeah, my mom told me that Charles and Silena knew each other," I say, looking at the ceiling as if remembering something.

"They were in love," Charlie stated. I knew that, but I didn't want to be the one to say it.

"Yeah, and when Silena died, she wasn't sad, because she knew she'd see Charles Beckendorf in the sky," I finished. I'd been told this story tons of times. I wished Charlie loved me. Like, loved me, the way his parents did.



Charlie didn't answer. Instead, propped himself up, leaned over, and kissed me, right on the lips. It soon got... heated. His hands were around my waist, and I lightly grabbed his dirty blonde hair. I sighed, enjoying the moment that rarely happened between us. He stopped, but didn't move away. His face was inches from mine, hovering over me.

"I love you," he whispered.

I smiled, feeling like I ruled the world. "I love you too."

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