"I will try to leave office early from tomorrow." I said.

"Now go to her. She would be waiting for you." I nodded and left.

I had no idea she is skipping her dinner. After our argument we never talked with each other. When I entered my room. I found her sleeping on my couch.

I checked restaurant online and ordered Pizza for her. I went and changed my clothes.

"Kiara wake up." I said. She didn't respond.

"Kiara." I shaked her shoulder. She opened her eyes and pushed herself back on the couch she was holding her blanket tightly. She was scared of me. I went away from her and turned on the lights.

"Why did you wake me?" She asked.

"Let's go have dinner." I said.

"I had dinner and you know where kitchen is you can find food there." She said.

"Come give me company." I said.

"Did you wake me up in middle of the night just because you don't like eating alone? Are you crazy? I am not going anywhere with you." She said.

"You have two options you can come to dinning room willingly or I will pick you and carry you downstairs. Which one would you like?" I said.

She got up and went past me. Took stairs and went to dinning room. I followed her. She went into the kitchen and came back after few minutes.

"There is no food. Will you have sandwich or fruits?"

"See if you find any soft drink. I will be back in two minutes." I said and left.

I went down stairs got the parcel and came back. I kept Pizza box and seasoning packets on the table. She found coke bottle and got a glass.

"Do you want ice?" She asked. I checked the bottle it was cold.

"I think get one more glass." I got two dishes from cabinet and went to dinning table. She came to dinning table with 2 glasses and coke bottle.

"Come let's eat." I said. I opened the box took one slice in my plate and kept one in her plate.

"I am not hungry." She said.

"I had a long day. I want to get this done and go back to my room and sleep peacefully."

She sat next to me and she started eating. When she was done with her 1st slice I kept another in her plate. I heard footstep I think it was mom as she was roaming in living room few minutes before.

"I know I was late. I will make up to you tomorrow." She looked at me frowing.

"We can go for long drive tomorrow and candle light dinner. What say?" I said taking her hand in mine.

Mom came and saw us. I dropped Kiara's hand.

"Oh sorry to distrub you both. I was here to get water."

"Mom why are you sorry? I will get the bottle for you." I said and got up. I went in kitchen and got bottle for her.

"Don't get convinced by him easily and have some control over him. Make sure he pays for his today's stunt." Mom said to Kiara. She smiled at her and nodded her head.

"Mom will you have pizza?" I asked giving her the bottle.

"No you both enjoy. Good night." She said and left.

I went back to the table and settled down. She had her food in silence.

"Resume your work from tomorrow. You don't want to have backlog." I said.

"You don't have to worry about my work. I will manage. I will ask dad when can I join office." She said.

When she was done eating. "Do you want to eat or you are done?" She asked.

"I'm full." I said.

She took her plate with mine and glasses along.

She got up with our plate and glasses and went to kitchen. I took the box and bottle followed her. She washed the plates and glasses. I kept box and bottle in dustbin.

"Let me know how much I got to pay you will trasfer it." She said and left. I switched off the lights and followed her.

"It's not required." I said.

"I don't want to argue with you let me know the amount and will give you your money."

She went to couch and slept. She didn't say anything. I switched off the light. Her silence made me uncomfortable. I could not sleep. I tossed and turned all night.

 I tossed and turned all night

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