The Relic

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"I am Jinn, a being created by the God of Light to aid Humanity in its pursuit of knowledge. I've been graced with the ability to answer three questions every one hundred years. You're in luck, as I am still able to answer-" Ozpin yells, interrupting her. "Two questions this era." Jinn continues. Apparently since Ruby is the one who said it, she gets to ask the question. "Ruby, choose wisely. Not to add pressure but we depend on you and I trust you will ask the correct question." I stated to her. Ruby asked, "What is Ozpin hiding from us?" Ozpin lunged at her, "NOOOO!" before everything goes white. "Grandmother? Ruby? Yang? Anyone?" Jinn narrated as the scene changed to a woman in a tower. "Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower..." Jinn's voice boomed overhead. "Her name was Salem"

(A/n I don't feel like writing all dis so im going to skip, go read the transcript or watch rwby for narration.)

"Salem can't be killed... you all heard her too, right?" Yang shouted angrily. "I-" Ozpin looked dejected. "There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?!" Yang shouts once more. We all look at him with different emotions. Pity, sadness, but primarily anger. "Professor..." Ruby said. "What is your plan to defeat Salem?" "I... Don't have one.." Qrow ran up and punched Ozpin. I looked down, thinking. I didn't really hear anyone until Oscar said, "He-he's gone.." "That bastard! Tell him we aren't done yet!" Yang persists. "No, this is different. He's gone. It-- It's like he's locked himself deep inside my head. Our head? I hate this! I want it to stop!" Oscar shouts. "Guys, take a second and breathe. We can talk about this when we get to-" "No!" Yang shouts. "No more delaying!" she said. "Enough! We need to get move on. It'll be dark before we know it, and every one of you is spewing negativity! There's a trail over there, trails usually lead somewhere." Grandma steps up. "She's right. We need to find shelter. Arguing like this is getting us nowhere. We can't even get the things we want until we get somewhere. Come on." I say, motioning everyone to follow.

I gave my trench coat to Blake since she had little clothing covering her from the blizzard. I felt my icy horn slowly growing although giving me another headache. Finally, we reach a place called Brunswick Farm but-"It looks abandoned." I say. "Better than nothing. And we don't need to ask for permission." Blake says. We all walk in.

"I don't get it. The empty towns I've passed through were all damaged or unfinished. But this place looks... fine." I notice movement but it only has a slight difference in heat signature. I draw my dual kamas. "Something's here. Its a type of Grimm that has clearly had it's sneakiness. Be on guard." I drop my stance but I don't sheathe my blades. We tried entering a house. "Locked." Qrow said. He burst open the door. "Hmm, it was left like people lived here yesterday..." I said. "Close the dang door already! Its cold!" Grandmother shouted. Blake and Oscar move a dresser to block the door that won't close due to how hard Qrow kicked it. I was on edge a lot because I learned to trust my semblance a lot. We got the chimney working and the place was warm. My ice powers made it so that I didn't react to the cold so everyone else had a blanket. I explored the house a bit before finding two dead bodies in the bedroom. "Crap!" I yelled. Weiss comes in and screams at the bodies. Weiss goes to throw up and I inspect the body. "Its decomposing. They died in their sleep." I thought about it for a moment. No, it couldn't be. I thought they didn't come close to these parts. I ran down the stairs. "Qrow!" I shouted. He walked in from the door. "Dead bodies in their beds in every house." "Shit! This is bad!" I start massaging my temples. "Its the Apathy. They drain your energy then they kill you in your sleep. Have any of you felt tired?" Everyone nodded. "Everyone stay alert. The screeches can make you even weaker."

Apparently, my grandmother found a journel. These people tried to use the Apathy to calm everyone and not attract Grimm but they got too tired and couldn't contain it. "There could be a whole pack out there. We have to move, fast. If we sleep, no telling if we will wake up or not." I paced the room.

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