The Vault

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I step out of the elevator and observe as Cinder and Raven are in an intense battle and Vernal is dead. I take the chance of sneakiness and charge up a lightning and ice ball. They are both flying around while I approach and say, "Someone order a bit of ice in their maiden battle?" I create an ice ramp and an entire ice course and I throw the ball. The ball is bouncing around the room and Raven and Cinder are having a hard time dodging the ball as its rolling around and picking up speed fast. I slowly walk up to Cinder as she is trying to dodge it. "Hello!" I say. She turns to me and I change the course of the ball, slamming into her side and she flies into the pit. I grab the ball and it dissolves in my hand. "So, Raven, are you gonna open this vault? I doubt you would have sent Vernal with those people alone without having some kind of backup plan, and Vernal's kinda dead so..." Yang appears and comes down. "Actually Yang, I think you got this. You're family and all." I go up the elevator and see everyone is struggling with Emerald and Mercury. "Where's the relic?"  Ruby says. "We'll see. Either Yang or Raven are gonna come up here. I know I have no shot at trying to convince Raven so I left it to Yang. Emerald shouted, "No! Cinder will have the relic!" "I sent Cinder into a pit. I doubt she'll be coming back." "No! Your a liar!" Just as Emerald said that, Yang came up with the relic. "No... No... No!!" Emerald makes an illusion of a white skinned woman yelling and growing before she falls down crying. "You're done." I put it bluntly. I collapsed on the floor because of overexertion.

When I wake up, I have the familiar feeling that I'm on a train. I have a splitting headache and I hold my head. Except something is in the way. "The heck?" I say, grabbing the things on my head. I realize there is horns on my forehead. "What the family friendly content?" Ruby comes into the train car I'm on. "Oh, you're finally-woahhh what is that?" "Ruby, please tell me i'm dreaming." I say. She pulls out a mirror for me to look at myself in. There are two horns, the one on my left being electric and the size of my hand, and the other being icy and about half the size. "Uhmm, where is the train going and where did these come from?" I say. Ruby is still standing in shock. "We are going to Atlas for you and because Ozpin said we need the relic to be safe. Also, we are going to be training with a certain someone!" Ruby says. I hear gunshots. "Crap."

We both get on top of the train. All our friends are battling Manticores. I stand there and electrocute some of them but my hand starts hurting. I look at it and it seems like my hand is sizzling. "What the heck?" I say. I use my other arm to shoot ice crystals at them and they hurt my hand too. "Urgh, guess I'm going in no powers." I throw Life at one of them before using the electromagnetic pull on it to launch myself up. I land ontop of a different Manticore and I start shooting and cutting them down and I jump off as the guns on the train activate. I try to burst into electricity but my powers are giving in. Static appears all over my body. "The heck is going on with my body?" Instead of taking the fall with no aura, I activate my ice and slide against the roof of the train. I notice everyone else is shooting but I notice a tunnel in the distance. "GUYS THERES A TUNNEL GET DOWN!" I shout to them. We all get inside the train again. I catch Weiss as she almost falls off because of a fireball. "Thank me later!" I say.

We are all in a train station. I walk up after buying new clothes to the rest of the group. I wear a brown trench coat, black pants, gloves and a black shirt that has my emblem on it. "Ooh! Fida! Like the new clothes!" Nora says. Everyone turns as I show them my conductive gloves and the place to put Life and Arbitrium. "Hey Weiss, you said you escaped from Atlas right? Does that mean you have to confront your dad again too?" She looked down with a saddened expression. "Yeah, I do." "Well, let me tell you guys. Tension is big in Atlas political-wise. People are opening up their eyes in Mantle as Grimm attacks are more frequent on them and even the election is coming up. The seperation of the slums of Mantle and mansions of Atlas have real stuff going on." I look at my hands and see they are leaking static and cold air. "And I still don't know why these thingies are here and my powers are dwindling!" I say. They look at me as I try to produce electricity but I could barely make up an inch in radius of a ball. I slump down on the seat next to them. Two dudes walk up to us as we are waiting for the train. "Uhh, do we know you?" I say. "Oh, we are Dudley and Dee. We are the two huntsman here to protect the train. And for a price we can give your car extra attention." "I honestly can't tell if you are trying to be a prostitute or just bad huntsman." The one who I assume is Dudley scoffs. Qrow comes up behind them. "I'd assume both, Frosty." Qrow said. "That nickname is a bit bad considering my powers arent working well. The only frost I can create is a few ice cubes without hurting." I say. I generate a tiny ball of ice and start manipulating it with lightning. "The only thing I can do proficiently is throw lightning bolts." I generate a purple bolt in my hand as it vanishes a few seconds later. "Anyways, thats pretty scummy to try and take tips from passengers for extra protection." I say. "Well one of you left the staff entrance caboose open so I wouldn't really call you guys huntsmen." Qrow said, pushing them out of the way. "Like the outfit Frosty. I dig it." I walk away and see Ilia and Blake conversing about the new faunus organization. I relax by myself before Ruby zooms by. "Get on the train!" She says, whizzing right by me.

When I get on the train I see my own grandmother. "Grandmother! I thought you went home already?" "Heh heh, I stayed a bit longer but I'm coming back now. Going to see your little lady?" She says. I remember what I said to Penny before I left and I shudder. "Yeah, and we also need to bring the relic to Atlas to protect it." "Well, I have my own train car. See ya!" She says as she hobbles away.

"Who is ready for me to beat them in a videogame?" I say, taking out my scroll. Qrow challenges me right before there was a jolt on the train. I grab Life and Arbitrium and say, "Im gonna go check that out." I get on top of the train and see tons of Manticore and a Sphinx approaching. "Guys! Theres a Sphinx!" I yell into the hatch. "Lets dance." I say to the grim, launching my dual kamas at them. I watch as a Manticore swipes up one of the professional huntsmen and drops him into the forest. The team is up when Qrow says, "Don't let anyone else die!" I retract Life and Arbitrium and stab Life into the train. The armored mode of the train activates, metal plating shifting and turrets activating. They start shooting into all of the Manticores, hitting a lot but not enough. Me and Qrow engage the Sphinx. Qrow stays behind to tell them to turn off the turrets and the Sphinx and I are in an intense battle. I see a tunnel coming up and I pull myself to Life. "TUNNEL!" I yell to everyone as I whizz by. Everyone gets into a train car as the Manticore back off. Dudley wasn't as fortunate and his arm hits the wall of the tunnel with a disturbing crack. Jaune tends to Dudley with his aura amplifying powers and I get an idea. "Hey Jaune, you can amplify auras right?" I say. "Yeah?" "Well once you're done healing him can you try it on me?" I say. He nods then returns his focus to Dudley. Qrow and him get in a heated argument and I start getting a headache. "Just shut off the turrets!" I yell. I slam my fist into the side of the train, sending sparks across the wall. I look at my hand and its sparking profusely. "Fine." Dudley agrees.

Ren asks if we can cloak the entire train and everyone's emotions with Jaune's amplification ability. Ozpin tells us that if we do that we will be wasting energy we all agree that half of us should be cut off the train with the relic and the other half stay on the train and have a meeting with Ironwood. Team JNR would be on the front half of the train and the rest of us would meet up in Argus with Jaune's family.

When we detach the train car, Jaune and Ren put the cloak on and the Manticores swarm us, including the Sphinx. "Me and Qrow should take the Sphinx. Everyone else pick off as many Manticores as possible." Me and Qrow approach the Sphinx. He turns into a bird and flies around it as I run towards it. As he is distracting it from above I slide under it, giving a two large gashes with Life and Arbitrium. He transforms back into his normal self as I shock it from below and freeze it in place. Qrow beheads it but not before it shoots a fireball, derailing the train. Weiss tries using her glyphs to slow our descent but the train falls off the mountain and into the snow.

"Everyone good?" I wake up with a bigger headache. "Where's Fida?" I hear Blake say. "Im over here!" I say, standing up. I feel my horns again and the ice horn is noticably larger than before. I take out the pocket mirror and look at it. The ice horn was almost as big as the electric one but short by an inch or so. I put it back in my pocket. I step out from the wreckage and wave at everyone. "Fine and dandy..." I say, dragging my feet in the snow. "Still alive!" I heard an older voice say. "Grandmother?"I say, looking around. I spot her walking in the snow. "Qrow, meet my grandmother. Or the previous Grimm Reaper." I say to him. "You're the Grimm Reaper! I idolized you as a kid! Heck I even designed my weapon after yours." "You mean this one?" I say, waving around Life. "Oh my Oum its the real one. How did I not notice it?" He says.

"Great, we are in the middle of nowhere, and now we gained a defenseless old lady!" "Hey! My grandmother is not defenseless!" "Eh-yes, although my eyes are in need of repair." She taps her goggles and pulls out the walking stick, which turns into a kama. "Yang, just please chill. More arguing will attract more Grimm. And we already got enough Grimm." "Yeah, what happened to 'no more lies and half truths' I think we need answers!" Yang shouted at Oscar/Ozpin. Oscar said, "I think we need an explanation too." before flashing to Ozpin. "I did not lie." "And what about the half truths?" I say. He goes on a long tangent about how Leo used to be a good guy but my headache was growing back.

I wasn't paying attention until the snow stopped entirely. The relic floated away from Ruby as a blue and very exposed lady comes out of it. Everyone stares in awe as the blue lady says, "Wonderful. What knowledge do you seek?"

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