During the Fall

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Over the course of multiple weeks, my body was getting increasingly colder. When the Vytal Festival came around, I was almost as cold as Penny. I didn't mind it though, it was a feeling that felt natural and unnatural at the same time. On our first match of the Vytal Festival, we had to fight against a team of boys with the rest of our team, Ciel Soliel and Iria Vencouz. Penny was team leader after Winter, forming Team PSCI(Pesky) and we fought against a team of boys called TRBL(Trouble). They were awfully easy to beat, really only needing three of us to beat them. Between the match and next, Penny went through a few checkups and I decided to walk around the festival a bit.

I walked around until I found a noodle store. Team RWBY was already there and I came up to the stand. "I'll have a ramen too. Just the normal." Apparently Weiss was going to pay but her card was declined so I paid. "Hey guys!" I heard someone say. It was Team JNPR and they sat down next to me. Pyrrha was closest so I talked to her. "So, Confida'ant-" "Call me Fida. I'm not really one to like Atlas formalities." "Fida, what is your semblance if I can ask?" "Oh, my semblance? Its Heat Signature. Essentially I can see heat levels of things and have thermal vision to see people through walls and stuff." "Um, but how do you have the electricity?" "Uhm, thats a bit of a sensitive topic for me. Its also the reason why I don't have an aura." "Oh...." She trailed off, looking a bit sad. Apparently Nora went off about how hard the next school years were going to be. "Well, i'm in my fourth year but I can tell you what its like even if we aren't in the same school." All of them looked at me in shock. "Yeah uhh... You guys didn't know that?" "How did you get into Atlas 4 years early? We know Ruby got in two years early but 4?" I scratch my neck a bit and look down. "Yeah, I'm kind of a special case based on my past thats kinda classified." Ruby and Nora inched towards me. "Cmon! You can tell us! We're friends!" I succumbed to peer pressure and told them.

"Woah, I didn't know your past was that filled." Blake said. "I know but you can't tell anyone or I'll get into serious trouble!" I pleaded. "Okay, we won't tell but now thats more leverage I have against you! I know where your sweet spot is!" My eyes widened at the realization of what Yang said. "Please don't tell them where that is or I'll never see the end of it!" I pleaded. Yang laughed maniacally. "Is it your tail?" Blake questioned. "Lets try it!" Ruby said, leaping onto my tail. "Nooo!" I said as she had a death grip on my tail and began to pull. "Stop it! I just got out of heat!" I meowed loudly in pleasure before bursting into electricity and regrouped a safe distance away from them. "Perverts! All of you!" I said, static going through my entire body. They all laughed and I just pouted. I had to wrap my tail around my waist for the entire time so they wouldn't pull it. "Back you fiends!" I stood on my chair and pointed down at Pyrrha and Yang who were trying to pull my tail. I leaped up on the roof. "Back!" I hissed.

It was the next match in the tournament and it was me and Penny versus these two guys called Sky Lark and Russel Thrush. They looked like they tried to be cool but in all honesty they weren't. I didn't even need to use my semblance or any of my dust powers against them as I just rushed one of them with Checks and Balances while Penny made quick work of the other. We had reached the finals and Penny was going to be the person there. We went out to the festival and were watching the match on our scrolls when suddenly Yang punched a kid in his leg after their fight. Supposedly she broke his leg and I rushed into the arena. I activated my semblance and saw that there was Yang, the two paramedics and the kid but I could only detect his upper half of the body and his bottom half was cold. I thought that was super suspicious but team RWBY was disqualified. After Penny went for her checkups I went to their dorm. "Hey Fida, you believe me right? I saw him attacking me so I punched him but everyone said he didn't." "I'm not sure about that one because I wasn't in the arena but what I found suspicious is that he had no heat signals from the lower half of his body. By any chance, did he use his legs a lot during the match?" "Yeah." She said. "Hmm, he might have had prosthetics and might have been playing it up so he could disqualify you. Sorry about that." I said. "Also these bunk beds are very dangerous. I advise you to use a different sort of thing for it. Also, Blake, Penny told me she read some 'book' of yours and told me she studied herself so she could do the things in her book right before she uh... Relieved me of my heat so to say. Care to explain?" I said to her. Her eyes widened in fear as I gave her a death glare. "What's heat?" Ruby said innocently. We all facepalmed, not ready to give her "the talk".

I was watching Penny's solo match against Pyrrha when Pyrrha's eyes widened in fear and she blasted a large wave of magnetism, sending Penny's swords flying and cutting her. I watched as the love of my life had her aura shattered then and there, the strings attaching to her swords swung around her body, the force tearing her into three parts. The entire crowd was in shock, and I rubbed my eyes. I burst into lightning and onto the arena and held Penny's lifeless body in my arms. "N̸̡̝̻̜͎̓͐Ǫ̵̧͎͈̥̜̹͗̈̏͘͝Ò̷͔̤̖̮͓̥̻ͅÖ̴̟͔͎̮̜̼̼́̃Ö̸̻͍͚͎́͑̀͗̽̃̽Ǫ̵̼̼͕͖͌̇͐̓̎́̀͝O̵̺͔̱͖͑̾̎̉̚O̶̩̭̠̬̯͂͋̒̃̏͘͝" I screamed and a ball of ice enveloped us two. I cried as lightning struck down on the ball, making static everywhere. Everyone was in shock but then there was suddenly a giant Nevermore on top of the ball and hundreds of Griffons swarming the arena. The force field stood no chance and I laid there, still holding Penny's body as the Nevermore charged towards me. I turned to it and my silver eyes shone, turning it into stone. I sat there and cried, until I felt someone shaking me. "Confida'ant!" Ruby yelled into my ear. She was defending us against some griffons and I called everyones locker as I snapped out of it. A bunch of rocket lockers fell from the sky and struck down flying Grimm and I retrieved Checks and Balances. "I will bring Penny to Scientist Polendina safely, even if its the last thing I do!" Ice slowly enveloped Checks and Balances, making more light glue glyphs. I made myself an ice backpack and pht Penny inside of it, and I started ice skating on air, killing Grimm left and right. Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck told us all to go to safety and we all ran into the city. We defended people from incoming Grimm and helped them to escape zones, and Weiss and my team had to return to Atlas along with team FNKI. I undid the ice backpack and I held Penny in my arms again, collapsing to the floor. I cried my eyes out until I blacked out from emotional discourse.

I woke up in Polendina's lab, sweating a lot and my grandmother was there. I cried into her arms and she gave me a hug. "Confida'ant, my boy. I want you to have these." She held up her own dual kamas, Life and Death. I held them in my hands. "What should I do with them? I have my ow-" I looked at Checks and Balances. They lost their glyphs and were just an icey and static mess, chipped, cracked and broken. "Oh. Thanks Grandmother." I hugged her tightly and she said, "Hey! Chill out! Don't want to break your own grandmother do you?" I let go of the embrace and grabbed her kamas. "I want to upgrade them though. They aren't quite up to date." I said. "Go ahead!" She smiled at me. The next few days I took my mind off of Penny by working on upgrades. It would take Polendina a few months to fully repair her and she wouldn't be a part of the team. Atlas was giving us the year off as the events that occured were extremely tragic and needed some time to settle in. Apparently, after I blacked out, Penny's opponent died to a woman named Cinder Fall and my grandmother filled me in on all the magic stuff.

"I know it's a lot to take in but its all true!" She said with a big smile on her face. "Im gonna need a little time for that to sink in. In the meantime I wanna try out Life and Death. Both of our insignias are on it and remade Death after you lost it." I looked at her with a grin and showed her a basic replica of Death but painted purple and light blue to match my powers. "Oooh my boy is growing up so fast! You take after your grandmother!" She hugged me and I gave her her new walking sticks since Life was her old one. Her new walking stick, to which she named, "Ol' Reaper" could also change into a single kama but could also be a gun if she ever needed self defence. We went to the gun range and I tested out the new Life and Death duo. They were easy to throw and with enough gravity dust could be returned to sender. I thanked my grandmother again and we walked back to Polendina's lab. "Oh, and I'm going on a trip soon. It goes a few places but it's gonna be fun!" She says to me. "Yeah, I guess I could but I'll certainly be back to see Penny when shes repaired. And when are we leaving?" "In a few days." She said. I packed my traveling clothes and our training equipment. Since we got the year off and I finished my studies already I got my hunters license and now I'm going exploring because I never got to.

We got on the train that would take us to our destination. "Oh and Grandmother? Where are we going?" "Oh, we are going to a place called Patch in Vale so I can train that other silver eyed warrior you told me about." I gasped and said, "Ruby?" "Yes. That one." She said to me.

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