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As soon as I walked into the cave, my horns started growing rapidly. I had a huge headache and placed my hand on the wall for support. "You good?" Yang said. I blinked and my vision went blurry. "Not good." I look down at my hands as best I can and the elecricity in my hands is sparking. The ice dust side of me is also freezing over. After a minute or so, everything fades back to normal. "I think I'm good now. What dust was mined here again?" I ask. "Ice dust, lightning dust and light dust." Marrow says. We continue walking down the cave and as we go deeper, the sparking and cold vapor slowly increases. By the time we reach the edge of the cave you can hear the sparking rapidly and the cold air is even making a difference in the cave. "Maybe it wasn't a good idea to send a dust-infused man inside a dust-infused cave." I say. The dead end had a crack in it, big enough for Blake to slide through. She slid in and the there was a scream. Harriet moved the crack open and Blake was fighting a Geist but it flies away. It goes pretty far but is stopped by a Sentinel. The Sentinel charges at Yang and she shoots it in the mouth, making green liquid come out as it screeches. I stumble around because my headache is coming back but I notice multiple Centinels coming through the walls. Not wanting to electrocute the rest of the team I slam ice walls into some of the Sentinels going around, still clutching my head. "Move faster." Move faster? You want me to move faster? I'll show you faster! I think as I burst into electricity and make it to the cave opening. "Okay, too fast." Harriet says, running next to me. I notice theres a cave opening and I stumble around before falling onto the floor. I clutch my head in pain, horns growing rapidly. "I should've stayed with Oscar!" I said. The dust powered Geist notices me on the floor and it punches me with a dust crystal. I go flying but I sapped some of the crystal. The geist keeps pounding me into the wall and I just take it, until finally an ice walk comes in front of me. "Thanks Weiss." I say before I fall unconscious.

I was in the chamber. My eyes widened, my fear came back. I swam around and looked at the scientists. I banged on the glass and tried to scream, but to no avail. I closed my eyes and when they opened again, I was in a familiar alleyway. "Get him!" the SDC slave trader said. I ran but tripped over something. I looked down and then there was a giant hole that I fell into. I blinked and I was in the same cell from when I was a miner. "You missed your quota!" I heard the head of the guards said. I could hear the familiar snap of the whip he always had. I saw him walk around the corner and I screamed as I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, I watched as my father was arguing with my grandmother. I couldn't hear them but I watched as my father stormed towards me and I closed my eyes once more and screamed."

I woke up screaming but quickly covered my mouth. I was sweating profusely, and I observed my surroundings. I was in a hospital bed, but no one was here. I got up off the bed and walked around. I found my clothes and put them on. I walked outside and found myself next to a place that held an election rally. I walked inside and saw Nora and Ren. "Nora! Ren! What happened after I collapsed?" They both looked at me with suprised expressions "We're at an election victory party. And your horn-" "OHmYoUmYoUrHorNsArEsoCooOl!" Nora jumps onto my neck and rides me piggyback, using my horns as a harness. "Go horsie!" she says. Ren and I look unamused as I see Penny backstage. I casually shake Nora off of me and look at my pocket mirror. My horns are at what seems their full length, going straight up but curving backwards at the halfway point and swiveling after that point. I put away the mirror and I walk over to Ruby. "Uhm, Ruby, what happened after I collapsed?" I ask. "Oh well we killed the Geist and then we got official hunters license and we started training and doing a lot of missions. Then we got a night off and we went to an election party." She points over at the stage where Robyn Hill has 67% of the votes and Jaques Schnee has 33%. "First, how did Robyn go from dust robber to politician? Second, why is Mr Schnee running?" I grimace at his name. "Oh Robyn fights for the people of Mantle now, and Jaques... We don't know his intensions. Oh! Penny is backstage! You should visit her!" Ruby drags me backstage where Penny is standing with Marrow. "Oh, he- Oh. You're awake." He says to me. "You were out for like a week or two." "A week or two??? Why didn't you wake me up?" "Cause we couldn't. Doctor said you were growing out of the final stage of development in your dustiness." "Ohh, thats why my horns are all big mode." "What?" Penny says. "Big mode. Never heard of it?" I say to her. She walks up and kisses me on the cheek before saying, "You still owe me it" before giving me an attempted wink and walking back to her original position. I shudder a bit then give Ruby a fistbump for no apparent reason whatsoever. "Yeah, real cute. Look, try not to be too much of a distraction. We need to be vigilant in case-" Marrow was cut off by one of the Happy Hunters. "In case what?" "In case someone tries to start trouble." Marrow continues. "Oh, funny, that's why we're here. And while your at it take Dust-Boy over here somewhere else." "What, scared i'll whoop you again?" I say, glaring directly at her before we both burst out into laughter. "Whats going on here May- Oh look, its the dust freak." Robyn comes over to us. "I know we weren't on good terms but can we put this aside? For Mantle" I say. "If I get elected tonight, we'll all have to learn how to get along." She says, looking at all of us. I tune out of the conversation and focus on the board as Jaques slowly gains percentages while Robyn is decreasing. "Guys, Robyn's percentage of voters is going down kinda fast..." They all look at the board where Robyn's percentage is 57%. Robyn walks away to do her speech and I watch as Jaques slowly gains more voters. "Something isn't right. The people were completely on her side. How is Jaques getting so many votes?" I mumble. "I agree." Ruby says, suddenly next to me. The board is close to half and half, Jaques at 47% and Robyn at 53%. The countdown starts but all power in the building goes off. I can see since I'm a faunus but others can't I slightly use my silver eyes, enough to illuminate the area and I see Tyrian Callows running around and killing people. I rush after him and engage in combat. He suddenly dashes towards Robyn and I freeze his stinger but he runs off. The lights turn on and I'm standing there on the stage, kamas sheathed above Robyn. "Uhh." I say.

I look at my friends inside the truck. We are all looking down. I clutch my hands and sparks fly from them. "Tyrian..." I mutter. "Penny you saw him too right? I used my silver eyes so everyone could see." She nodded and the hugged me. I cried a bit into her arms before I'm drenched in tears. "Penny, i'm scared. The world is a dark place." She pats me on the back and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "There, there. Once we get the footage to Ironwood it'll be better."

Grimm begin to make their way into Mantle. I see a screen where Jaques is narrating and I clutch my hands again, charging electricity. "Tonight is going to be a long night for all of us." I say.

"Its using all of my willpower to not electrocute this invitation right now." I say. Some of the group is confused while others look down. "I'm not sure if I can go. I don't know if I can restrain myself around Jaques." I say. "What happened between you and him? I know he is a bad guy with a bad company but surely you can attend a dinner." Qrow said. "Oh yeah, I didn't tell you about my very extensive backstory. Sit down, this is gonna take a few moments." I say to him.

After explaining to him why I don't want to go, he says, "How about this; We keep you from Jaques and we do the talking." "Not sure if that will work but I'll give it a shot.

a/n i didnt mean to publish this but here you go.

Experiment - A RWBY Fanfiction - rewriteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz