The Stronghold

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3rd POV
Confida'ant was talking to the older sister, Yang, while Winter and Hera took a nap. It seemed Yang and Penny were at odds and constantly competing as who can compliment him best. "I really like your dark brown hair. It feels pretty nice to him." Yang said, rubbing my head. "Well, I like your tail! Very practical!" Penny said, tugging on his tail a bit. Confida'ant deeply blushed and said. "D-don't tug me there!" shyly. Yang took this as the go-ahead and tugged his tail harder then Penny. He clenched his teeth and tried to hold in a slight groan. "It feels really good but really wrong at the same time so stop it!" he said more firmly this time. Penny tugged it harder than before and a small moan escaped his mouth. "Okay thats enough!" he said, sending electric shocks through my body and leaping in the air. Yang and Penny looked suprised and Winter came down the stairs with Taiyang. "It seems they found his sweet spot. Keep that in mind Penny." Taiyang chuckled a bit and Confida'ant pouted at everyone. Penny asked innocently, "Whats a sweet spot?"

After explaining what a "sweet spot," was to Penny and Confida'ant, Penny smiled and tugged his tail again. He gave a large meow. "Hey! She is taking advantage of my weakness! I will shock you!" He threatened. "How did you even get electricity powers? I thought people can't get elemental powers." Taiyang struck a nerve with this as Confida'ant started crying and Penny comforted him. "Crap, sensitive topic." Taiyang said. Winter just downcasted and Taiyang looked sorry. "I'm going to sleep." He said, sitting on one of the couches. Penny joined him and they both cuddled together. "They're so cute together!" Winter whisper yelled. "Schnee showing affection?" Taiyang mocked. Winter just glared at him.

"Alright, we'll be heading off to Beacon to catch a bullhead!" Hera said to Taiyang. They packed up the few belongings they had and waved goodbye. "Bye Yang! Bye Ruby! Bye Taiyang!" Confida'ant shouted back to them. "They were nice." He said. "Except for that Yang fellow. She thought she could top my levels of affection and my vocabulary. But at least I know what a sweet spot is and how I can use it against Fida!" She laughed but it came out sinister while Confida'ant gulped. Hera and Winter just looked at eachother with an amused look.

"Hello Team WIPC. I see you have successfully delivered the package and will be going back to Atlas soon. Please stay for a bit, I would like to get to know Atlas' top team." Ozpin said. A woman named Glynda stood next to him and Confida'ant said, "Pleasure to meet you, Mister Ozpin." Confida'ant bowed before looking up. "Good to know at least one of you has a sense of humor. And... Silver eyes..." He leaned towards Confida'ant. "You remind me of the Grimm Reaper. Do you know of her?" "Yep! Thats my grandmother!" he exclaimed. "Has she told you anything about your silver eyes?" "No, I haven't spoken to her in years but I still hold her closer to my heart than my damned father." He grimaced at the mention of his father. "How would you like to attend some of the classes going on currently? Professor Goodwitch is having a class in a few minutes actually. "I would be honored to!" Confida'ant and Penny said, nudging their leader and co leader. "Oh, uh, yes!" Professor Goodwitch lead them to her classroom and they sat down in a few vacant seats. Whisper and murmurs surrounded them. "So this is the famous WIPC? That one looks way too young to be on the team. Is that Winter Schnee? That Herafold girl is hot stuff!" Confida'ant shivered and held in his sparking because of the pressure in the room. Class started and we had duels. "I would like to fight Confida'ant from Team WIPC!" A cocky looking dude declared. "I accept your challenge!" Confida'ant said back. They both walked up to the stage as Confida'ant drew Checks and Balances while the guy drew a sword and shield. "I got a lady up there and I'm gonna prove that I'm better than some overconfident kid!" "Pitiful." Confida'ant declared.
Confida'ant got into a defensive stance as he waited for the guy to charge. The guy did charge, and his stance was very sloppy. He was charging full speed when Confida'ant just tripped him. "Um ok?" He said. The guy pushed up and slashed wildly at Confida'ant, easily dodging every slash. "You call this a fight?" He said before sweeping the guy. Confida'ant slashed a few times and broke his aura. "I can't tell if you were joking or thats really how you fight." Confida'ant walked away, sheathing Checks and Balances when the guy tried charging him again, punching him in the cheek as Confida'ant turned. He had a look in his eyes that made the guy scared. "Wait, his aura is gone in one punch?" Talking erupted across the classroom. Goodwitch hushed them all. "I forgot to inform you all that Confida'ant Calavera does not have an aura." The talking erupted again and Confida'ant just walked back to his seat. Penny beamed as usual. "Congratulations Fida!" She said, wrapping an arm around him. "Thanks." He blushed.

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