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Currently enjoying a cup of hot coco with marshmallows.


After a few weeks you learned that you and Marla had some things in common and became good friends, which was a thrill to you.

You had made your very first female friend.

"Wanna go to the movies this weekend?" Marla asked as she braided your hair.
You hum as you played on your phone agreeing to the idea since a movie you wanted to see was coming out. 
"Sure, I don't have any other plans."

She hums happily as she finished up your hair.
"All done!" She chirped as you got up to look in a mirror.  You slightly turn your head in different directions surprised at how well done it was.
"Dang Marla,your really great at this stuff." You said while gently touching your new braided hair.  She smiled clearly flattered before she pulled out her bag.
"I brought other things too! Let me give you a makeover!" She said excitedly with light pink cheeks.

You shrugged your shoulders not really into that makeup idea but she was to happy to be shut down. You sigh in defeat and allow her to paint your face.


"Are you almost done now?" You asked as she continued to do whatever it was she was doing.  She hummed happily ignoring your whining as she was in her own little world.

"The hell is that."

"Eye lashes"


"Alright I'm done with your makeup,time for your nails!" She exclaimed.

You blinked dumbfounded and shook your head.

"Whoah whoah, what do you mean my nails? There's more to this?" You said disappointingly.

She rolled her eyes as she continued while you groan in the background wondering when it will end. "You don't like doing this so I'm going all out when I get the chance." She said as you sigh.

After some time you realized she's really great at this. She wasn't done yet but you can see she is amazing at what she loves to do.

Soon you heard knocking on the door before you answered to allow them to come in.

"Hey there hun, just here to say goodbye for now,I'm off on another business trip."

Bokuto's dad said.
You look over with a slight frown before getting up with a smile to hug him.

"Be back soon, I'll be waiting." You said as he smiles and hugs you back.

"My, you look lovely today, a special occasion?" He asked.
You hum a no with a small laugh as you point at Marla.

"She's just giving me one of her makeovers, she's really great at it isn't she?" You said as he definitely agreed. 

Marla was enjoying the compliments today.


"Where are you going?"
Bokuto asked as he came down from his room.

You sat on a stool eating a sandwich while talking to Marla.

"No where,why?" You asked as you take another bite.
" you got makeup on." He said as he continued to stare at you with a smile. 

You look away to hide the flustered expression as you pretended to be unfazed.

"Marla did my makeup is all." You hummed as he stood next to you while crossing his arms.

"And her nails!" She said happily while holding up your hand.

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