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You were scared and you were nervous.
Anxiety overwhelmed you to the fullest as you grasped a small box decorated with a flattering blue ribbon. It was Valentine's Day and it was your first year in middle school. 
You made your way to find a nice outfit and fixed your hair with a matching blue ribbon as well.
Your face fumed with shyness as you made your way to your crush.
He was happily talking to his friends and enjoying him self. 
You also noticed how he was given a lot of attention considering the number of valentine gifts he had received from other girls or even sometimes boys.
You took a deep breath starting to wonder you will be just another girl to give him sweets,maybe you should walk away while you can...no. Your mother forced you to get out of your comfort zone.plus she would be angry if you went back home with the box in hand after pleading to have her take you to the store.
Once you walked up to him he stoped talking and looked at you.
"U-uhm..erm.. t-this is f-for y-ou.." you shyly said. His "buddies" smirked and made jokes quietly to each other but you heard them.
The boy ignored them and smiled kindly.


You look at the floor and saw the box pop open spilling its contents.
"Such a ugly little gift. Just like the giver hm?" You cowardly looked away avoiding eye contact as the girl verbally attacked you. Perhaps out of spite or jealousy? You didn't know,she always had messed with you since you can remember. Your crush furrowed his brows at the girl but didn't say anything. Maybe he was scared it could ruin his reputation,maybe the girl had dirt on him or maybe he was just scared and didn't know what to do.
Nonetheless you do not blame the boy for doing nothing.  The girl raised her chin up and huffed.
"Who are you trying to impress hm? Oh~ are you all lovey dovey over this boy too?well get in line. You ugly little thing."
You messed with the hem of your dress and bit your lip.
Your face was burning from embarrassment as the boys teased and made fun of your simple little crush over him. They called you ugly and fat. They compared how your head was so round it could be used for kickball.
Nearly everything your mommy told you to not worry about was being pointed out. Did your mother lie to you?did she lie about you being precious? Being beautiful and cute?
You felt sore and ached all over.
You wanted to rip the dress off and drown...

Ah,there it is. The first bad thought.
You wanted to drown..drown to death..death....die. You wanted to just die.
Around your eyes became red and puffy as you held a blank face. Your eyes glazed with more water as the waterline of the eyeball couldn't hold it anymore before overflowing and spilling down on your cheeks.
but for what?what reason did you have to apologize for? You didn't know.
The boy seemed hurt before the girl lashed out at you and grabbed your hair taking a fist full of it before shoving you away by it.
You grunt as she smirked.
She raised her fist and opened her hand dropping some hairs and the ribbon.
"Your so ugly even the color faded away.its nothing but white." She scoffed.
You clutch where the hair had been harshly taken from and stare at the ground. "I-it's a rare condition..it's albinism.."
the girl rolled her eyes and mocked you.
You look up at your crush who looked down ashamed. He didn't know what to do. You hid your face with your hair and walked away.

After that the bullying got worse through all of middle school.



You awoke by tapping on your shoulder. You look up tiredly and saw your teacher looking down at you disappointingly.
You hate that look no matter who gives it.

You look away as you were sent to the principals office since that was like your fifth time being warned. 
You gathered your things knowing everyone is staring at you.
You look over your shoulder and glared with harsh amber eyes. They tense up and look away.
You sigh and walk out after placing your backpack on.
"Sorry" you mumbled to the teacher. She immediately felt pity and sighed.
"I'll call ahead and tell the principal to just give you a lecture. Just make sure it doesn't happen agin." Half the class groan knowing another victim fell in your guilt trip trap. You nod your head thanking the teacher and closed the door on your way out.
It sure comes in handy when your quiet and look sad all the time.
You smirk to your self before frowning. It was that girl from middle school walking down the hall with a friend. They were giggling and you managed to overhear her talk about how this other girl deserved to be humiliated. You shivered wondering what she did to that poor girl.
As you passed each other it was just like before. She didn't notice you. You were invisible to the stuck up brats that roam around here. You sigh not hating the idea but couldn't help but feel pathetic for it. You grunt not caring anymore as you made your way to the principles office.


You smile to your self in victory as you managed to get a library pass out of the principal. You sigh and set up your phone with your earbuds to listen to music. You pulled another chair near you and propped up your legs on them.
You looked at your legs and raised your brows.
"Oof. To thick in the thighs my guy."
You whispered to your self. 

There. That's self hate,you didn't even realize you did that to your self.

Before the bell rang for lunch you left the library and went outside so you wouldn't have to deal with people.
You sat at a bench that was out of people's field of vision. So it was your favorite place.

The bell rang soon after as you positioned comfortably on the bench that was placed against the wall. You stretched your legs outward on it as you rested your back on the cement.
You bent one leg up for support for your arm and went through your phone.

You went on social media and saw a picture of a male who seemed familiar.
You pondered on who the hell he was but you just couldn't figure it out.
You read the user name and something clicked but went away in a millisecond.
You clicked your tongue simply having the name echo in your head.
'Bokuto?..' you thought before getting tired of thinking and exit off the app to watch memes instead.

It was the end of the day causing blissful relief on the students. 
They exited,attended after school clubs,or simply hanged around a little longer. You on the other hand remained in your seat like usual playing on your phone.
"Don't forget to close the door on your way out miss l/n." The teacher reminded. You nodded as it was now finally quiet.
You melted in the peacefulness Before it was rudely interrupted by two boys.
"And this is where your new classroom is located, got that Bokuto?"
A boy with black hair said before noticing you.
"Oh. Sorry,pardon our intrusion." He said before bowing. You nod your head as your eyes soon latched onto grey frosted tips.
"Hey hey hey! Guess were classmates now." The hyper guy said.
You tilt your head back and hummed.
"Haa?"  The guy immediately shivered and groaned in frustration.
"Don't tell me your one of those cool kids! Gwah!" You lowered your head after mistakingly being to obvious your annoyed.
"N-no? I'm actually just shy." You said not meaning to. The boy chirped up and smirked.
"Well I'll help you with that." He said confidently.
The other boy seems annoyed by him and smacked his arm.
"Knock it off Bokuto."

Your eyes slightly widen before returning to there normal look.
'Right. He said his name is Bokuto.' You thought.

Now that you look at him in person he seems familiar. You shook it off and look away subconsciously to just avoid being noticed. You got up with a grunt and packed your things. 
You took your jacket out of your backpack and put it on immediately feeling more "hidden". It brought comfort but something always felt like it was missing. "Aren't you hot in that?" The boy asked.
You sigh staring at the floor as you put on your backpack.
"Mmm,no not really." You simply said as you began to walk out.

"Say Akaashi. Isn't she-."
He paused as you walked back in the room. "Oh um. Make sure you guys close the door before you leave. The teacher will get irritated." You Warned. They nodded as the hyper boy seemed to be sweating bullets from almost being caught to what he was about to say.

You walked away not noticing and stuffed your hands in your pockets. You sigh at the idea of heading home. You knew your father would come home drunk and will force you to do everything around the house. Like clean and make dinner.
You grit your teeth at how low he became ever since your mother's passing. She committed suicide after not being able to handle your dad anymore. Always stressed about bills and all that dirt bag did was spend the money at clubs even though he would deny it.  Before that's what he did. Spend money at clubs and whores. But now? He would even hit you if you get on his nerves slightly. You shivered hating him.
You look to your side as you pass a pond. You saw cute ducks and smiled warmly.


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