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This is the last chapter.


Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of your alarm,you get up with a yawn followed by a stretch. You smile to your self as you finally reached 18!  Today was your birthday,as well as your huge plan.  You started by folding your blanket and then placing your pillow on top of it. Next you cleared out your drawers,which was easy,lastly you collected anything you valued or treasured before putting it in a separate backpack and hiding it under your bed. You then prepared for school.


"Hey y/n,would you like some breakfast?" Diana asked. You paused and examined what she had made.

Waffles with f/t.((favorite topping))
You nod as you take a seat as she prepares a plate for you. You thank her as you begin to eat.
It was quite good.
Soon you hear a door open then closing while foot steps made there way.
You shrunk and looked down at your food as your father walked past you to Diana.
"Good morning hun!would you like some before you leave?" She asked. He remains quiet as he nodded.
She then fixed him a to-go breakfast with lunch for him to take.
He takes it and walks to the door outside. 
You held your breath daring not to make a single sound.
He suddenly slammed the door making you flinch in fear causing your hands to shoot down accidentally knocking over your plate.

You paused as you begin to breath heavily as a large hand was placed on your shoulder. 

"Look what you did you clumsy slut."

You look down and trembled.
"I-..It was an a-accident.."
his grip tightened to an uncomfortable state before it began to hurt quite badly.

"CLEAN IT UP!" He shouted. It was as though his voice alone trembled the house.
You squeal  as you fell to the floor to try and loosen his grip. You feared he may break your shoulder.

"That's enough!" Diana shouted.

He jerked before huffing. 

He stood up straight and walked out to work...which was strange. He's been going to work a lot more often now,you wondered why.

You sniffed and breathed heavy sighs as you picked up your plate and spilled food.

"Don't worry I got it y/n.just get to school safely ok?"
You grunt as you stood up and taking a deep breath.

"Thank you Diana." You said as you walk away.
She seemed surprised for a second that you acknowledged her and smirked before giving a warm smile.
"Have fun birthday girl." She said.
You look over shocked but smiled.

'How the hell does she know?not even dad knows...' you wondered as you turn back and leave.
You walked along the sidewalk and dried your face.  You take out your phone and end the recording. You knew he was gonna act up sooner or later...


You quietly sat at the guidance counselor office after requesting to come. Your counselor finally arrived giving a welcoming smile.  They then take there seat.

"Hello y/n. What brings you by?" They asked.

You take a deep breath and struggled to find the right words.
"Need help with your grades? Maybe courses?i can try to change your classes even though it's late,would you like that?though it won't be guarantee."They asked.

You gave a awkward hushed laugh as you cleared your throat.
"Um n-no. I wanted to contact...CPS through you guys.." you mumbled.
There expression easily read alerted.
"Yes of course!whats the issue sweetie?" They said concerned.

You felt ashamed but you shouldn't. You take a shaky breath as the skin around your eyes began to turn red.
"M-my father I-is abusive.." you whispered trying to stay calm. 
They nod and wrote it down immediately.
"What's his name?" They asked.
You dry your face and told them his full name.
They nod and looked him up in the schools system.
"...he's not showing up hun,do you know why?" 

You nod.

"I don't think my mo-ther ever added him.."you said calming down a bit.
They hum and continued to type on there laptop. 
"Can you tell me about him?at your own pace of course. It's just that you never reported anything like this or show any problems at home when asked." They finished. You nod
As you began explaining the horrible conditions you've been forced to deal with.
Even the counselor them self nearly cried.

"This definitely will be checked up on by the CPS."
You nod as they stood up and went to hug you.
You immediately flinched and nearly shoved them off of you.
"S-Sorry!" You apologized.
They frown and examined your pained expression.
"May I?" They ask.

You slowly nod and look away.
"I don't know if anything's there but it happened earlier this morning." You mumbled as they took a look at your shoulder.
They slightly gasped as color of bruising was already showing up.
"Okay listen closely. You must show that to when the CPS arrives, and do you have any other family members to stay at after school? Maybe a friends even?" They asked. You nod as they sigh in relief.

"Ok hun,you can just stay in here with me if you'll like please do let me know if you need anything. I need to go make calls okay?" They said.
You nod as they left. You sit there and have a dreadful sigh.
Your absolutely terrified. What if they cant take him away? What if he somehow gets away with it and comes to get you? You shake the thoughts away and quietly cried to your self.


You finally finished the conversation with one of the CPS members along with letting them hear the audio and examining your shoulder.
They thank you for your braveness and took there leave,after that a woman walked in with a badge.

Police got involved as well after finding a warrant under his name after looking him up. You didn't know he had one.

"Hi there miss l/n. Please allow me to go over your claims to make sure everything is in check." She said in a soft caring tone. You nod as she went over some things making sure nothing will get mixed up in the case.
"Now,I heard he even left a mark on you?" You nod as you show her. By now it had gotten darker.
She frowns and scribbles down in her notepad.

"Has he done this before?" She asked.
You nod.

"Do you have any proof? But don't worry I completely believe you,it's just a question I have to ask." You nod and shared the audio recording. And a few others that you collected.

She nods and continues to write. As well getting copies of the evidence. 
"Alright hun anything else?"
You thought for a moment and nodded.

You wanted to make sure they get everything they can so that they can send him away for a very long time.

"I may have more bruising around my body,maybe scars." She nods as she stood up and closed all the blinds and locked the door.

You take off your shirt leaving your bra on as she examined your back.

"Yes,there are signs of bruising and a few scars,may I ask how the scars happened?" She asked.

You take a moment and nod.
"He would throw beer bottles at me." You mumbled. 
She nods and took out her work phone.

"I'm just gonna take pictures of these and one of your face for just in case scenarios." She explained.
You nod as she finished taking pictures of your back before putting on your shirt and getting a picture of your face.

"Alright,I can promise you this sweetie,no more of that horrible man." She said making you feel as though thousands of weight was lifted off of your figure. You meekly smiled as she took her leave.
After that you were allowed to stay in the guidance office for you to rest and take it easy.

This was one of the most largest decisions you had ever made. And a rightful one in fact.

You pulled out your phone and saw missed calls and messages from bokuto.
You smile warmly and texted him.

(You: hey,I'm doing something right now,I'll tell you later at your place.)

(Idiot❤️: I'm sad your not here.but can't wait to see you! Love you..)

Your eyes widen as your face became a working oven.
Your heart fumed with the words he last said. It's obvious that he does but it's different when it's told.
You warmly smile to your self as you held your phone close to your chest.

Wonder what's gonna happen after this.


SIKE...but with love.

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