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You awoke and checked your phone.
A soft smile plastered on your features as you saw a good morning text from bokuto. 
You got up and stretched as you gathered your things deciding to get ready at his place.
You quietly made your way to your door and opened it. You step out and close it behind you after locking it and made your way to the door leading outside.

You suddenly froze and smelled something good.
You look over and saw that woman who was here last night.
She was cooking...
you narrow your brows as she turned around and kindly smiled.
"Hi young lady! Would you like something to eat?"
She asked.
You looked around and couldn't understand what made her come back. Surely your fathers break down would've chased her away.  
The place also seemed cleaned up even after the commotion you heard last night.
"Um..no thank you?" You said still confused.
You started to walk to the door and couldn't help but ask a question.
"D-dose my dad..know your here?" You asked. She hums as she continued to make breakfast. 
You were utterly shocked.
"Well,..could you let him know I won't be here for a few days?" You asked since he obviously won't be taking his leave on Fridays or weekends if she continues to see him.
She turned and placed a single hand on her hip.
"May I ask why you won't be here?surely he will want to know."
Your face forms into a slight scowl.
She's nice and all but she better not dare to play as the role of your mother.
"Just tell him that. Thanks." You mumbled and left.
She'll leave him eventually...
hopefully. She will just end up as a victim.

You grab your phone as you stood at Bokuto's place and text him since his parents are away for the weekend.
They go out when they can before Bokuto's dad has to leave agin for another business trip.

He didn't reply and assumed he may be taking a shower.

You stood there patiently until suddenly the door swung open and you were snatched.
You yelped as bokuto walked to the couch and flopped down on it with you on his lap.
"Yayyyyy! Your here." He said cheerfully.
Your cheeks turned slightly pink as his hair rested on his head slightly damp.
"You look weird with your hair down." You mumbled as you run your fingers through it combing it back.
He closed his eyes as you did so finding it relaxing.
"You look weird."
He said in defense which simply made you laugh light heartedly.
You look at him with his hair slicked back like so and blushed. He was handsome with any hairstyle. 
You then hum and picked up a strand of hair.
"I wonder what you will look like with a bowl cut." You said.
He grabbed your wrist and kissed you.
"Have I ever mentioned how your so sweet?" He said trying to stay on your good side. It made you laugh.

"Oh. Let me get ready. We still have school and all that." You said as you got off.
He sighed and held you by your hips.
"Aw...can we skip today?"
You gave a crooked frown and shook your head.
"Can't. I have the principal on my back so we have to go."
He fell back into the couch and sighed not enjoying school since he can't stay by your side at all times. 
You can relate but you have to.
You went to the bathroom and did what you needed to do.


You sat on the bench during lunch with bokuto and akaashi.
"See. The day is almost over." You told bokuto.
Akaashi raised a single brow.
"What plans do you guys have?" He asked.
You look up from your phone as bokuto was busy chewing his food.
"Just hanging out. Wanna join?" You asked making bokuto perk up and raise a thumb since he's temporarily vocally disabled. Akaashi thought for a moment before agreeing. You smile and started to think of places you guys should go visit.


It's was finally almost over as you watched the boys play volleyball.
It wasn't looking very good as bokuto became quiet and...well,he was in emo mode to cut it shortly.
You always found it amusing ever since you learned of it.
Bokuto is always so energetic.
Akaashi tried his best but it seemed to be not working. 
You tilt your head and rest it on your palm.
'Well,that's what practice is for.' You thought to your self.


"I can't do this anymore! I should just end my volleyball career." He pouted.
You roll your eyes as akaashi gave a long sigh.
"Y/n. Let me give you love and affection." Bokuto sighed.
You frown and hide next to akaashi.
"No. I refuse to be embarrassed in public." Bokuto huffed and crossed his arms.
"Fine. Don't be asking for any of this later at home." Akaashi cringed as you laugh.

You three sat In a restaurant as akaashi sat next to you and bokuto across from you. He was glaring at akaashi.

"Don't look at me like that. I was forced here." 
You smile before the waitress caught your attention.
"What can I get you today lovelies?" She asked. 
You explained your order then the boys did after. Once finished she nodded and asked for our drinks.
She finished writing and headed off.

You ate your food enjoying the time talking to them and laughed when bokuto ate to fast.
You also learned a lot of things about akaashi. 
Suddenly bokuto started to choke making akaashi hurriedly get up and help him out.  You watched unamused.

You handed bokuto his drink as he settled down. You grew slightly embarrassed from the stares but laughed when you saw how pale and exhausted bokuto was.
"Told you to eat slower."
Akaashi reminded. Bokuto laughed sheepishly as the day continued with more of those joyous times.

It was late now as akaashi claimed the couch immediately falling asleep.
Bokuto fetched a blanket and threw it at him making him grunt from the impact. 
Then bokuto,with open arms, invited you to his room.  You go up to his room and plop on his bed sighing in relief.

He then immediately hugged you.
"Hey! What was that all about no more affection for me?" You said.
"I think we both truly knew I was lying." He mumbled.
He kissed your lips making your face heat up and your stomach fill with those pesky butterflies.
He laid on his back and signaled you to get on him.
You shyly did and rest your head on his chest.
"Wanna make out?" He blandly asked making your face fume with fire.
"B-bokuto!" You whispered shouted making him laugh. He deeply enjoyed making you flustered and embarrassed. Which is why he will never stop trying to embarrass you in public or wherever you may be.
He placed his arms behind his head and smiled.
"You know the schools dance thing is coming up?" He said.
You look up at him and remembered about that girl.

"I was thinking maybe since you don't like crowds and stuff I could turn that day into a date? Just you and me." He said.
Your face outdone a tomato as you nervously smiled. 
"O-okay..." you shyly replied. 
Bokuto suddenly and surprisingly became flustered and placed a single hand over the lower part of his face as he looked away. 
"Y-your b-b-b...your boobs..." he mumbled.
You look down and saw they were barley poking out. Not even the nipple part. Just the...well boob?
You laugh hysterically and hug around his neck.
He is truly such a child at times.

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