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You quietly sat on your bed after sadly not being able to go to Bokuto's place and waited for a few more minutes before getting started to clean up the place.
You can hear a woman's laugh from your dads room and shivered with disgust.
There probably doing the smoochies,smoochies or something.  You wondered if the lady even noticed the mess. You shrug it off and get up heading to your door.
You quietly open it and walk out closing it behind you as you fetched for the broom.
Once you found it you frown seeing it was bent.
You grab it and carefully try to bend it straight as possible without snapping it. The bristles were worn out and old making you want a new one.
You sigh knowing it couldn't be helped at the moment as you sweep and pile up the dirt in one spot along with any trash that was scattered around.
You moved the couch,the table and chairs,moved the mini carpet,and lastly the hall back to the kitchen where you were gathering it all up.
When pausing to move the furniture back a little mouse ran across the room startling you before calming down.
'At least you guys aren't mean to me..' you thought to your self as you made your way back to pick up the collected trash. 


Once done you moped and cleared off the counters following with wiping.
Your organized the shelves and fridge.
You continued till you were satisfied making sure you won't get yelled at.
You sigh in relief finally being done before going to the sink and groaning in frustration. The dishes. THE DAMN DISHES!!!
You angrily grab the soap bottle and squeezed it making you stop and look at it.

'Damn it...'

It was empty.
You walked to the hall looking towards his room and continued to hear chit chat and giggles.
You huff and go to your room to grab whatever money was left that was given to you.
You were gonna only take like 5 dollars but decided to take it all just in case you decide on snacks or something...maybe you shouldn't but the cravings won you over.
You get ready and take your leave before things got to heated and you would get traumatized...agin.


You wondered around the small store while holding the bottle of soap in your hands as you debated on what to get.
Before you decided you heard more people walk in the store. You glance over and choke on air. It was that girl from middle school.
You made a Tch sound and settled on a snack.
You hid in a aisle waiting for her to pass you as she talked to some friends you assumed.
Once they disappeared from your vision you hurriedly made your way to the cashier.
The elderly lady sure took her time as you felt antsy. Suddenly there voices neared making you freeze as they stoped behind you waiting for there turn.
'Damn it,why couldn't they have taken a little longer over there!' You shouted in your head.

"You?" You heard her snarl.
You turn around and saw her then noticed the other girl was the one trying to take bokuto from you.
You glared at her as she gasped.
"She's the bitch that kept bokuto from becoming mines." She whined as though complaining to her mother.
"For sure it's her. He mentioned about your stupid ugly hair!" You furrow your brows as you grabbed your purchased items.
"Oh? So little curve ball has one of the cutest boys in the school as her boyfriend? I feel bad for bokuto. A game of Dares these days are sure getting out of hand huh?" She Said annoyingly. You
Huff and look away.

"What?got nothing to say since those boys aren't here to protect you?" She said cockily.  You displayed of not giving a fuck on your face but it ate at you in the inside.
"Well,it's not like it matters. I bet you haven't even held hands. Hahahaa! Just thinking about it is so sad."
You grew slightly warm knowing you did do more then that.
"Well. Play time is over sweetie. I'll be taking my man on this coming up school dance soon."
She said confidently.
Suddenly a boy walked in with roses.
"H-here you go! Roses.just what you asked for. I also got you this necklace." He said with a flushed face.
You watched amused.
"Hm. Thank you." She said as she took the items.
"Oh and by the way,I wanna break up." She finished and flipped her hair as she walked out.

Your eyes slightly widen as that other girl followed after her asking how much the necklace was. "It's not even that pretty..."

The guy stood there in utter disbelief and shock.
You look up at him and recognized him from the gas station.
'Oh no...'
he looked at you and recognized you to.
"T-that was embarrassing..." he mumbled.
He slightly reminded you of your self.
He wasn't even gonna get the necklace back. He worked at the gas station for crying out loud. That necklace is probably all his checks combined!
"You should probably go get that back. She doesn't deserve it you know."
He sighed and smiled meekly.
"I c-can't...I gave it to her.shes really cute too."
You sigh.
"Don't hide away like that...it won't do any good trust me. Go get it back. Find your self another person to truly fall for and who deserves that necklace." You mumbled. He blushed and slowly nodded his head.
"I doubt it. I was just incredibly lucky. She needed to catch up on school work so I did it for her. She promised to date me as payment and I thought I could win her over...guess being unattractive will always leave you in the trash." He said sadly. You frown.
"No. Your very attractive. Don't beat your self up."
You said. Like your one to talk though...

He huffed.
"Like you would understand. Your not ugly."
Your eyes widen.

He dose remind you of your self.
"If your going to give up then don't regret it." You finished and walked away leaving him to reconsider his actions. 

You stare at the ground.
Are you going to give up?..
Maybe you will start trying and feel good about your self. You have to,for your mother and for bokuto.


You arrived back home and did the dishes. Once you finished you turn around and got startled. 
Your father was silently sitting on the couch.
You were shocked that you haven't noticed him sooner.
he mumbled.
You jump from him suddenly saying your name.
"Do you..still think of your mother?" He asked.
You frown.
"Every day." You replied blandly.
He hummed.
He looked at his hands before placing his face in them.
"What the hell am I doing?" He laughed...but in a sad way.

You grew nervous. You knew what this was.
It's one of his moments where he's gonna apologize because he either feels like he's gonna loose you or he was sober long enough for him to think logically and have all his regrets catch up.  But either way. He dug this mass of a whole in your heart on his own. Being drunk is no excuse. You don't ever see your self forgiving him anytime soon.
"I'm sorry y/n.." he whimpered and then quietly sobbed to him self.

This use to make you feel bad resulting to you trying to comfort him but once that finished he lashed out at you like usual. You aren't falling for it no more.
"Ok." You said blankly.

You walked to your room making him plead for you to come back. You knew he simply just wanted any type  of comfort. You ignored it and locked your door.
A few seconds later you heard crashing and things being thrown. He started to curse and blamed you for everything.
You grunt.
"Knew it."

You open your phone and saw missed messages and calls from bokuto.
You smile and reply.
You immediately got a 'yay' from him and a bunch of emojis with hearts and kissy faces. 
This will be the only person you would be there for.
You held the phone close to your chest and lay down.

"Holy shit I'm turning 18 soon..."
you whispered to your self.
You then had an idea and it made you happy.

Hope I didn't put an age for yuh from the previous chapters. And if I did then whoops. To lazy to go back and fix it. You is 17 going on 18 m'kay?

And thank you for the support! Love reading your comments. They have me dead and motivated.  :)

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