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You shyly made your way to Bokuto who had been waiting patiently for you. He had his hands clasped behind him as he gave shaky breaths. He was beyond nervous. He just wants to make his little introverted girlfriend happy.  Suddenly the excited mother dashed to Bokuto forcing him to turn away. She wants to take pictures of his reaction. "What are you doing mom?" He asked confused.  She waved him off as she pulled out her phone getting ready to add to her scrapbook.
You nervously stood behind him as you look at the happy mother. She signaled you to remember about good posture and raised a thumbs up.
You look up at his back and grew antsy. You felt incredibly embarrassed and shy and felt sick from the constant fluttering from the butterflies. "Hi.." you mumbled. He jumped slightly and chuckled  to him self in a bashful manner. You can see the tip of his ears were turning red as he turned around. His eyes met yours and the one who looked away was himself. He gave a nervous laugh and placed a hand behind his head. His face grew darker as he felt he was looking at a stranger...but in a good way if that makes sense. He lost the ability to talk and became flustered. You immediately heard the camera from a phone flash as it captures his bashful face.
You grew more red,worried the heat collecting would bake your brain. "Well say something son,your being weird by being quiet.it isn't like you." His father said with a grin.
Bokuto jerked and grabbed his own wrist as he looked around before looking at you. "Y-your so beautiful y/n..." he said feeling quite embarrassed that his parents are still lingering. His mother awed as his father held back tears feeling so proud for him. You became bashful and looked down with a soft smile. "Thank you..and you look very handsome."

"Yay! Pictures! Come on you two stop being stiff and pose!" The mother said while shoving you into bokutos arms. " oh come on now honey,agin with your photos?" Her husband whined. She huffed as she took pictures of you together.
It's been a few minutes of embarrassed pictures before she wanted the last one to be very special. "Grab a chair for them hun!" She exclaimed. The husband sighed as he went to fetch a chair. " this is why you caused our wedding to last longer then what was intended." He nagged, but with love. She rolled her eyes as Bokuto sat down.
You were confused. Where was your chair?
"On his lap dear!" She said excitedly. Your soul left your body before crashing back down as you look down at Bokuto who's leg was jumping from embarrassment. "O-oh." You mumbled as you carefully sat on one of his knees. The dress exposed a lot of neck and some cleavage along with your back. It secretly tortured the boy under you.

The mother sighed and made her way to the both of you. She pushed on your shoulder and raised your legs to rest on his lap. You rested your head on his shoulder as his mother positioned you then him.
Once she made you look delicate in his arms she moved Bokutos hand more down to your lower back and the other holding your hand in his chest.
"Perfect! Oh your so cute together." She said excitedly as she took the pictures.
"Sorry my mom is making us do this"Bokuto whispered. You laugh light heartedly making him squeeze your hand. "It's kind of fun." You mumbled back.

He happily sighed and kissed the back of your hand making you blush. At that moment pictures were taken agin.
His hair is down...why didn't you realize sooner.
He looked really flattering making you shy away.

When will the pictures end?


"Well,see you two later! Ah!so cute." The mom said as she was under her husbands arm.
You smile and walk out as Bokuto followed before getting stopped. His father wanted a quick private talk. "Here you go my boy. I know how uncontrolled hormones in a growing man can be. It was the same with me and your mother,so I understand." He said as though speaking wisdom. Bokuto grew light pink in his cheeks barely catching on as he looked down at his fathers hand. It was a few packets of condoms. Bokuto immediately became flustered and cleared his throat. "D-dad!?" He shoved them in his pockets as he laughed and smacked him away.
Bokuto pulled one out examining it before shaking his head.
"They won't even fit..." He mumbled before walking away
He laughed before pausing.
"Those are large...AHAHA! Already out done your father eh?"
Bokuto cringed as he caught up to you. "What'd you two talk about?" You asked. Bokuto blushed and shook his head. "Just to have a peaceful time."
You nod as the both of you made your way to wherever Bokuto decided to take you. He said it was a surprise so you'll see.


You both sat quietly at a table surprised that this place actually existed nearby. You never noticed. Bokuto stared intensely at the menu simply making it obvious that he was just nervous. It certainly was strange for him to be quiet. You smile finding it cute that he's being shy near you. He glanced up and raised a brow. "You enjoy seeing me panic don't you?" You sighed a laugh and shrug your bare shoulders as you looked away. "I mean,it's funny." He sat up straight and nodded his head. "If you missed being embarrassed then you could've just said so." He said with a mischievous smirk. You look at him hoping he won't do anything to actually embarrass you.
Soon a waiter comes by and kindly asked if you guys were ready. You nodded as Bokuto was getting ready to ask something. You gave him a look but he simply winked at you as he looked at the waiter. "Hope your having a lovely night but may I ask you a question sir?" The man gave his attention to him as he waited. "Ask away young man." Bokuto sighed and gestures to look at you. "She sometimes think she isn't beautiful and lovely. What do you have to say about that?" You blush and look away as Bokuto smirked.
"Well. You sure did hit the jackpot."
Bokuto actually didn't favor that answer as the waiter kept glancing at your chest.
"Umm...I think I'll have lobster or something." He said in a dead tone just to have him go away. It sure did back fire for him. You held in a laugh as the waiter bowed and walked away. Bokuto glared at him like wtf which made you burst out in laughter.
Bokuto looked at you and crossed his arms.
"Could've just said you were wrong and that your actually lovely and not be a perv about it." He huffed. You forced your self to stop laughing but it was difficult. "Oh poor Bokuto" you sang while holding in laughs. He grew bashful but enjoyed your laughs. All of them. Either if they were quiet,loud,weird, or whatever,he still loved them.
At least the awkward barrier has been broken. Now you two can talk and laugh as you enjoy your dinner. And fall madly in love together. More then what you already feel.

"I also want to take you to one more place so don't fill up to much here." He said with a warm smile. You look away and lightly turned pink. "Yeah.ok."


So. The date update, yuh welcomes.

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