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About a week has gone by since your first encounter with Bokuto's dad and are currently watching bokuto play volleyball.
You watched as he sprinted from place to place and wondered how anyone could hit a ball so hard.
You disliked the idea of trying to receive any of them. Soon after bokuto managed to make a point in a complicated situation making you smile. He immediately looked at you with raised arms feeling incredible about him self. You clapped your hands  and mouthed the words 'awesome' to him.
He grins cheekily and winked at you subtlety before getting praised by his teammates too.
Your cheeks became hot as you look away. He sure learned how to make you flustered.
"Hey you,Uh,Bokuto's girlfriend."
You jolt in shock as your eyes darted to the volleyball teams coach.
"You gotta join us when we travel to  other places. Your like a lucky charm for us. Bokuto seems to be at his absolute best when your here." The coach said with a grin.
Your face became a dark red as you didn't think it was obvious about your relationship with bokuto. Even though Bokuto didn't really ask you to be his girlfriend it was clearly obvious...between the two of you of course but it seems as though others are getting the vibe now.
You became slightly awkward not really knowing what to say.
"Oh my god. Your such a shy girl, I didn't know till now. Are you alright with him?he can be a pain in the ass,should I tell someone?" He asked thinking you are being forced here against your will since your personalities between you and Bokuto were completely different.
You laughed nervously and shook your head.
"I-I'm fine really,thank you." You mumbled.

He hums while handing you a piece of paper.
"It's like a permission thing,just have your guardian sign it and you should be good to go,if you would like to that is."
You take a hold of it and gave a awkward smile thanking him. He nods and walks away attending to his volleyball students.
You look at the paper wondering how long he noticed you being here. You shrug the thought off as the whole team shouted in union before splitting apart and getting ready to close up the gym.
You look up while folding it in half as you watch Bokuto jog your way with akaashi following behind.
"Did you see that y/n!? I'm so cool!" He shouted excitedly.

You smile and nod your head. "Yep. Very cool." You said as you stood up from the bleachers and made your way to them. Suddenly Bokuto hugged you and spun you around immediately making you embarrassed. The other boys noticed and nugged each other who missed it to look.
They mumbled about how lucky Bokuto was and stuff making you turn to a completely and utterly dark shade of red.
Akaashi brows raised surprised.
"What happened during break when I left?" He asked.
You hid more in your jacket and look away not finding your voice.
Bokuto grins and side hugs you and puffed out his chest proudly.
"She begged me to date her cause I'm to handsome for her to resist"
You punch his side making him grunt in pain.
you looked around shyly and stare at the floor.
"Stop embarrassing me you idiot." You mumbled.
Akaashi was amused not expecting someone like Bokuto to get a girlfriend.
He looks at you and crossed his arms.
"Are you alright y/n?" He asked.
Bokuto immediately stood up straight and blocked you from him.
"Hey! Do you think I'm not a great lover or something!?"
Akaashi brought his hands up in defense.
"Well your pretty exhausting. And she's like glass,remember that." Bokuto grunts and frowns. No one seems to think he can take care of you.
This made you laugh softly to your self seeing how upset Bokuto was getting.
"I'm fine thank you." 
Akaashi smiled before getting serious and bending down to your level.
"If he needs a ass beat just let me know."
You chuckle and look away.
Bokuto snatched you away from him and rested his head on yours as he hugged you.
"Hey hey hey! What secrets are you sharing with each other."
You blush as you blankly stare in space.
Your getting tossed around like a rag doll,this is quite new. But he's being protective. You like it.

"Hey y/n." Bokuto mumbled as he rested his head on your lap.
You had decided to come over after loosing to Bokuto's pleads and are currently watching tv on the sofa.
"Yes Bokuto."
You mumbled back.
"I think my parents know we like each other."
A blush creeped its way to your cheeks as you patted his head.
"Yeah I wouldn't be surprised." 
He hums and hugs your waist.
"How do they know?" He asked.

"Here's your drink dear." Bokuto's mom said after you had requested for one earlier.
"Because your literally clinging on me while they are having dinner just behind us." You answered as you thank his mom.



"Please I insist." Bokuto's dad said as he gave you money.
You look at it not knowing how to react.
"But it's a lot of m-money." You mumbled.
"None sense! Your such an amazing person. You deserve it." He said.
He's been acting more like a dad to you lately and you wished your dad was like this.
"T-thank you s-so much." You whimpered holding back tears.

He smiles warmly secretly knowing you don't get spoiled at home. He knows cause he's been there. He can pick up the subtle signs you give off clearly saying your having personal issues at home  and it's hard fighting it. He's glad knowing his son can put a genuine smile on your face. 
You thank him once more before walking away after hearing bokuto call out to you.
He was struggling doing his homework agin so you sat down next to him and help out. He immediately hugged you though,so thinking was  slow today.

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