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You smile and raise a thumbs up as bokuto made another point during practice.

You became slightly more comfortable here so you managed to become more enthusiastic for bokuto and akaashi.
Not long after the whole place was filled with shoes squeaking and thumping from there jumps and runs. You watched happily being able to watch this.
Soon you hear akaashi call out for bokuto before he jumped high and smashed the ball making it speed to the other side giving them another point.


You immediately turn to see that girl marla.

She turned to look at you and smiled with light pink cheeks.
"Aren't they cool?" She exclaimed while taking a seat next to you.

You hum and look away wondering if she knew you were here.
"Man,I was so nervous to come here but I'm glad your here as well."
You nod before glancing at her.
"Why did you come? Where you gonna do something?" You asked.
She looks at you with slight wide eyes before turning away with pink cheeks.
"Oh um. Well,I was gonna try to talk to one of the guys!" She said while getting all nervous.

You then started to tap on your knee with your finger wondering who she wanted to talk with.
You look at her to ask before you got interrupted.

You look forward and saw bokuto coming your way along with akaashi after finishing up with a small conversation.

You gave a small smile as the girl looked at you getting all nervous.
"Is this the girl you were talking about?" Bokuto asked.
The girl immediately reacted getting all red on the face.
You nod and look towards her way.
"Yeah. She's really nice." You said.

She happily giggled by your compliment before looking away.

'Hm..I can't tell who she likes.' You thought.
"So akaashi,you coming over after school?" Bokuto asked. He simply nods in return.

'Oh! I can invite her to become better friends!' You thought.

"Hey Marla?"
She then jolts up facing you with pink cheeks.
"Yes!?" She asked.
"Wanna come over too? We can get to know each other better." You asked.

She looks at the guys but it's not until she looks at you that she reacts fully with a nod.
You smile as bokuto nods as well.
"Great! We can all go once practice is over." Bokuto said.

Soon the whistle blew signaling that the breaks are over.
You watch them jog back to formation as you smile.
"Volleyball is kind of cool." You said.
Marla looks up and slightly nods.
"Y-yeah.." she then looks at you which only made you look at her.

"Anywho! Is there anything else you like?" She asked.
You hum and look away.
"I enjoy Ice cream I guess." You said never giving that question much thought before.

"Oh me too! It tastes so good. Maybe you and me can go?" She said with a bright smile.
You laugh and nod.
"Sounds fun."

She laughs as well before watching the game with you.


"Wow,never thought I'll be in your room so soon!" Marla said excitedly.

You smile and say on your bed.
"Sorry if it's a bit empty, I just kind of got this room now."
She then shakes her head.
"It's ok, it's cute!"
You smile softly and gave a small laugh
"Aw you think?"

She nods as she admires your desk in there. It had some drawers and a lamp on it. And some other stuff.
She sure did seem like she was blushing.
That's something you realized. Even when she first met you.
You hum wondering if being here is to much.

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