Chapter 4

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You and Harry were both getting dressed and you laugh as he was putting your tie on "What y/n?" He asks and you pull him closer using your tie and kiss him and he kissed you back confused but ok with it you then took your tie off him

"I don't think your in Slytherin babe so that definitely isn't yours unless the sorting hat was somehow wrong." You say and Harry laughs and then grabs his tie

"Oh Merlin imagine if you didn't realize we'd be busted." He says and you laugh as you put his glasses on him

"I think you'd see better if you put your glasses on first." You say and Harry nods

"Yeah your right." He says and you put your tie on and he puts the right one on this time

You both then leave the room quickly

And walk off and you both pretend to be talking about school work to try and act natural or something

Pansy walks over "Where have you been come on we've been looking for you let's go." She says pulling you off and you almost tripped and fell but Harry saved you and then pansy continued to pull you

"Oh gosh what's your problem." You say and she didn't stop as you rolled your eyes

|time skip|

You were in your dads class when suddenly he said you're full name "Y/n Lily Rose Snape can you answer the question?" Your dad says and you say the answer with ease

Harry looks over he didn't know your full name you just said Rose was your middle name it's also lily? "Dad don't use my complete name I told people my middle name was just rose." You say and your dad looked confused why don't you like the name lily? Lily was like his sister why wouldn't you like that he named you after his best friend and basically sister 

"We can talk about this after class now Mr Potter why don't you stop looking at my daughter." Your dad says and Harry looks at him

"Sorry sir I zoned out didn't realize where I was looking." He says and your dad stared at him for a few seconds then goes back to teaching

*I swear having a secret relationship is so hard but my dad would hate if I told him who I'm dating until I'm ready to tell him yeah I can't be public with it*

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