Chapter 15

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Harry noticed Draco following you more "What's up with Draco?" Harry asks and you sigh

"Yeah he's convinced we're dating." You say as Harry laughs

"We'll we are." He says and you nod

"Yes but secretly if he finds out he'll one tell my dad or two tell my dad or three tell my dad and we both don't want any of those to happen." You say and Harry smiles as he laughs

"Yes but I don't want people knowing because if Voldemort or his followers found out I have a girlfriend I'm scared what might happen to you." Harry says and you smile

"Yeah and I'm kinda not wanting to be only known as the chosen ones girlfriend so I'm fine with being a secret anyways HI DRAY I SEE YOU AND YOUR UGLY ASS!!!!" You yell behind you and Draco pops his head up

"FUCK YOU." Draco yells at you and you laugh

"JUMP OFF A BRIDGE!" You yell and Draco then walks over

"I swear you should jump off the astronomy tower." Draco says and you laugh

"Yeah whatever you stupid brat." You say and Draco rolls his eyes

"Whatever hang out with Potter the loser." Draco says as he walks off and you just keep laughing

"You both are weird friends." Harry says and you nod as you and Harry walk off together and Draco then follows you both again which you know he is

"Yeah the whole reason we're friends is Narcissa Dracos Mom used to baby sit me so we grew up together." You say and Harry nods

"So how does your dad know the malfoys?" Harry says and you didn't know if you should say it?

"My mom was one of narcissas best friends in school and my mom was a death eater as well as my dad and they met because they basically worked together and ended up falling in love." You say and Harry nods

"Your dad was a what?" He says and you nod

"He changed sides once he met my mom and they both realized they didn't want to be on you know who's side anymore, so he become a spy he pretended to be a death eater then leak information same with my mom but when she got pregnant she stopped So I was safe." You say and Harry nods

"I see." Harry says and you smile at him

"Truly Narcissa tried to become a mom for me so that's why me and Draco act a lot like siblings his mom is like a mom to me, mostly because she didn't want her best friends daughter to grow up without a mother figure." You say and Harry nods

"Huh I see I still don't like Draco." He says and you chuckle

"You don't have to like him it's fine your my friend!" You say emphasizing friend towards Draco and he popped his head up shocked

"You bitch." He says and you laugh

"Leave me alone you hoe." You say as you skip off and Draco was shocked

"What a hoe? Am I?" Draco says now thinking if he was one "Na she just a bitch." Draco says as Harry walks after you *I swear I will find out if she's dating Harry Potter!!!*

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