Chapter 39

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You went to as many lessons Harry was teaching as you can

"Now y/n why don't you try with me." Harry says and you shrug

"Ok but you asked for it." You say and Harry gets ready to say the spell but you stun him first "Ha too slow." You say and then you wink at him and everyone saw his blush after you did that

"Um ah good job y/n." Harry says and you smile

"Can't stop me I'm amazing." You say as some people were annoyed with you but what's wrong with being confident? "Hey everyone who's annoyed with me what's wrong with me being confident huh? Or you all got a problem because I'm in Slytherin anyways keep your opinions to yourself or I'll say mine about you." You say as Harry smiles at you as everyone stays quiet


Once the class was over like after every lesson Harry asked you to stay once everyone was gone saying he needed to talk with you about how you did

"Why do you always ask her to stay?" Ginny asks and Harry looks over

"Oh because reasons now everyone out!" Harry says and once everyone was out  he kissed you and you kissed him back

"Sorry if I hurt you." You say and Harry smiles

"It's fine honestly it was what the lesson was about and you did it good job." Harry says and you smile

"But I should go I need to make sure Dracos ok I swear if those people are bullying him again I am gonna turn them into cockroaches and step on them." You say and Harry laughs

"Your so cute when your threatening things or people." He says and you laugh

"I'll see you later Harry." You say as you walk off and Harry smiles

*I really truly don't wanna lose her she's the best thing to ever happen to me and I really don't wanna lose her at all she makes me so happy just by saying something so weird and I truly don't wanna lose this*

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