Chapter 77

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|Time skip|

|Harrys pov|

I was sitting in the burrow so upset I missed y/n when Ginny walks over "Hey Harry you ok?" She asks and I sigh

"I'm just worried for y/n I don't know where she is I wanna go find her maybe as I'm looking for horcruxs I can also search for y/n." I say and Ginny nods

"Yeah good uh idea." She says as I take my glasses off as I rub my eyes and the tears that rolled down my face I was so worried for her

"I just want her with me." I say and Ginny nods

"Well get some rest the wedding is tomorrow and don't run off Harry please just stay here." She says and I didn't say anything as she walks off

*I can't stay here I need to find horcruxs and destroy them and find y/n and save her, I can't spend my time wasting it on anything else! I need to find y/n! I don't know if she's ok or not and I need to find her quickly! And save her because if she could get away she would be here in my arms right now! But she isn't!* I think as I was so frustrated I have no clue where she is I've tried looking but I can't find her!

|That night|

Ron stops me as I was gonna leave "Y/n wouldn't want you to leave when your in danger just for her! You really expect to find her if they kill you first!" Ron yells at me and I sigh

"You expect me to sit here and do nothing!?!? She could be in danger! She could be needing me right now!" I say and Ron takes my bag

"Ok where is she? How exactly do you plan to find her? Knock on every door and ask is y/n snape home?" Ron says and I sigh

"I can't leave her out there in danger!" I say and Ron sighs and then slaps me knocking my glasses off my face

"Harry!! Just listen to what I'm saying! Y/n would rather you stay safe then you dying trying to save her! So get your ass back inside and me and Hermione will help you find y/n! Also you can't find y/n if your dead!" Ron says as he walks off with my bag and I follow him

*I need to find y/n she could be in so much danger and I don't know! I hate not knowing if she's ok!*

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