Chapter 27

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You and Harry walks into his aunts and uncles when his cousin yells Harry got a girlfriend and his aunt and uncle walk out "Hi I'm y/n lily rose snape." You say and his cousin laughs

"Got a girlfriend that has your mother's name in her name isn't that kinda mommy issues Harry." He says and you look at him

"My dad actually knew lily potter they were friends so that's why I have her name as my middle name. Now Harry didn't know until this year I had two middle names now shut up." You say and Harry holds your hand

"Yes I do have girlfriend now where's your Dudley oh sorry I forgot you don't have one, so why make fun of me for getting a girl when you can't get near a girl." Harry says and you start laughing

"I've been rubbing off on you too much or maybe Draco has oh no Harry your gonna start saying my father will hear about this or maybe it'll be my girlfriend will hear about this." You say and Harry laughs and kisses you

"Now that's brilliant." Harry says and you nod

"Like Draco already yells at people my best friend will hear about this and apparently that's scarier then his dad." You say and Harry laughs "If you do start saying that Draco will get in trouble for him rubbing off on you the few times you both have talked." You say and Harry smiles at you as he walks with you to his room he then closed the door as his aunt, uncle and cousin were listening in

"I really wish you could stay with me all summer." Harry says and you laughed

"Same now get over here and kiss me." You say and Harry nods and then whispers in your ear

"Let's prank them since they are obviously ease dropping." He whispers and you nod as Harry and you quietly figure it out and then you started giggling and laughing

"Oh harry don't say that like thats so dirty.....Wait you wanna do what to me excuse me so inappropriate!" You say and Harry was trying not to laugh as he hear his aunt and uncle talking about what you just said "Get on my knees and beg dominant today aren't we? Like you whisper that in my ear again I may do it, but wow you need to be like this more at Hogwarts, like I'll gladly get on my knees for you no need to ask me twice." You say and Harry has a pillow over his face as he could barely keep his laughter in this was too good

*We need to do this prank to Draco and my friends oh this is so brilliant why haven't we thought of it before!* Harry thinks as you kept talking and then you both heard the door opening so Harry pulled you into a kiss as his uncle bursts in

"Keep it down!" He says looking as angry as he could

"We are sorry all we've been doing is talking quietly I'm sorry if hedwig was too loud you see she just loves y/n so much so she's excited to see y/n again." Harry says and you were snuggling yourself closer to Harry

"Ha hedwig loves me more so if we break up I get her in the divorce settlement right?" You say and Harry laughs

"Awww I love you so much." Harry says and you giggle as his aunt, uncle and cousin leave "Man what next your gonna moan loudly for them to hear." Harry says and you look like you're considering it "I was joking don't do it I'll get in so much trouble." Harry says and you laugh

"You know since you started dating me you've kinda become more confident in yourself." You say and Harry nods

"Yeah I guess I have so I guess thanks." He says and you smile

"Your welcome Harry I just have that effect on people."

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