Chapter 78

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|Still Harrys pov|

I was at the wedding as everyone was happy except me

Just being at a wedding as my girlfriend could be in danger isn't that fun like she could be hurt! Or worse she could be dead and I don't know, I hate not knowing if she's ok or not

Ginny walks over "Hey you should try and at least pretend your happy." She says and I look at her

"I can't be happy when my girlfriend is in danger! How can I enjoy a wedding when the love of my life is in danger? I can't handle this." I say and Ginny rubs my back

"It's gonna be ok." She says and I shake my head

"It's not gonna be ok until I have y/n back in my arms." I say and Ginny nods

"You really love her don't you?" Ginny says and I nod

"I don't think I can live without her! She makes me smile and makes me so happy, she just knows what to say to me." I say and Ginny nods

"Well y/n wouldn't want you to just be all sad would she?" Ginny says and I shrug

"No but I don't think I wanna do anything else I can't exactly dance with her." I say and Ginny nods

"Then dance with me?" She says as I shake my head

"I'm good thanks for the offer but I really just wanna dance with y/n and only her right now." I say and Ginny nods and leaves me alone *Y/n I hope your ok please be ok!*

|Your pov|

You were asleep next to Draco when you woke up and you saw Draco not where you thought he was but next to his window deep in thought "Hey what's up?" You ask walking over and he jumps

"Sorry you scared me um I'm just thinking." Draco says and you kiss him and then go back to bed *I hate this! Because I actually like her thinking we're dating but I also know how wrong this is, she should be with Harry! Her being with me feels wrong*

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